
Type: Posts; User: rakkiz

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  1. Halo I'm Touzer from best gear...

    Halo I'm Touzer from <KappaXD> best gear minmaxer :D . Im fienda's trickser and I enjoy beating more geared people in dps . I dont appreciate the changes that happened , we just wanted to fix the...
  2. Where can i find good guides that tells me how to reach Gladiator rank as rogue?

    Hello, where do you look for guides and stuffs to improve at arenas? i'm playing rogue with a mage that's good and he coaches me what i can improve on like Line of sight fears/sheeps and priests...
  3. if there's a boored discpriest out there who wants to play alot of 2versus2.

    Hey, i been trying to master this combo but, i just get clueless over certain setups, if there's a discpriest out there who has played Discpriest rogue to perfection, i'd love to get in game advice,...
  4. Replies

    i'm playing with disc atm and im wondering.......

    i'm playing with disc atm and im wondering.... with the gear we have cause its ulduar gear (aka furious season im wondering whats better to get all pieces furious gear or play with sum of the 226...
  5. Replies

    Looking for gladiator coach

    Hey been a rogue player past 9 years or so, i got competive into arenas when i was 12 age old, i understand the game mechanics of what vanish blind is or shadow word death sheep is, that i can sap...
  6. Looking for Buddhist, Zif, ohgeelolqt, mcg, bestshpeu,referencerug

    Looking at the current state of blackrock ladder you guys are the highest Rogue//priest composition.

    I was thinking what if you guys could, teamwork together to make the best Discpriest//Rogue,...
  7. Upper Black Rock Spire.General Drakkisath.

    Hello dear citizen of warmane, is this a bug or not?.

    I was thinking of getting sum cool xmog gear in upperblackrock spire.

    So the last boss should drop duengon tier 1 set, the armor from...
  8. Rogue looking for arena partner, Purpose practise and get better.

    Hey i'm looking for a partner who can dedicate 8+ hours of 2v2, quing, during Saturday

    /pm my skype if you're up for it.

    markolio partzzon

    Prefered classes, Mage, Spriest, Dpriest, i'm...
  9. Replies

    Looking for a gladiator player here.

    Hey what's up i've been playing rogue all of my life, watched lots of movies on how to play rogue and everything, i manage getting these amazing vanish saps on rogues when they vanish or druids any...
  10. Looking for a competive arena partner who lives in europe time zone.

    Hey what's up im a rogue player on lordaeron, looking atm for a new arena partner, the preferred setups i wanna play is Spriest//Dspriest//Fmage. i'm open minded to play any setups at all my goal is...
  11. Replies

    oh yeah i'm the rogue players not the shadow...

    oh yeah i'm the rogue players not the shadow priest.
  12. Replies

    I do understand the mechanics and theories.......

    I do understand the mechanics and theories.... but in the practices it's like im a total pleb against some players they have far better experienced and reaction time than me.... what can i do against...
  13. Replies

    Forever stucked at 2 k rating

    Hello...... could anyone tell me how do i become a better arena player?.....

    I always lose because im making same and same mistakes over and over again......

    it's frustrating and mentally........
  14. Rogue looking for 2vs2 partner (Pref, Spriest, Mage or boomkind druid)

    Hey hey, my names Fredrik..... i'm looking for partner... who wants to play with me, atm i'm at 4k gearscore... full hateful and epic weps...

    My goal atm, is to reach furious weapons. from there...
Results 1 to 14 of 19