
Type: Posts; User: Deicidium

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  1. Replies

    Enable duo queue vs solo queue

    The server is too dead to not allow this. Solo queue and 2s are the only active brackets. Such a policy only exacerbates the problem.

    Moreover people use duo queue to win trade.
  2. Remove relentless, donate for cosmetics

    I'm full wrathful, 120 wins 40 losses in soloqueue, and it's NOT FUN killing people in full rele, and it's NOT FUN playing with people who are full rele.

    I have ZERO reason to donate because I am...
  3. Will we be able to buy teleport commands again?

    It's the best thing about AT...
  4. ad hominem. insulting the person for what the...

    ad hominem. insulting the person for what the class they play isn't a legitimate argument. shinta laid out good arguments
  5. interesting...i heard a rumour a long time ago...

    interesting...i heard a rumour a long time ago that malaco didn't pay conrad and azael for commentating...i wonder if there is any truth in either of these..
  6. Replies

    Counter of the day

    Joined a solo queue, got on the counter team not the countered :D resto druid + frost mage + muti rogue vs resto druid + arms warrior + sub rogue

    enemy warrior and rogue CC'd 99% of the time...
  7. Replies

    There isn't anyone good aiming for the top of the...

    There isn't anyone good aiming for the top of the ladder playing counter comps right now, that's all.

    Here's a strategy guide for the counter comp disc frost vs hpal warr
Results 1 to 7 of 7