
Type: Posts; User: wesomenight

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  1. Replies

    Sorry no can do. Euro time is cuck time.

    Sorry no can do. Euro time is cuck time.
  2. Been trying to Do Edge of Madness event in Zul'Gurub

    I've been trying to spawn a specific boss named Hazza'rah in the Edge of madness section of Zul Gurub. The issue is when something spawns It's always the first boss and I've tried to wait out the...
  3. Still need arena Partner or someone to boost me to 1900 Either or works.

    Still need arena Partner or someone to boost me to 1900 Either or works.
  4. Need Arena partner/boost to 1700 w frost mage

    Tired of finding people with the skills and no gear or without the skills but the gear to do arena's with. Need disc/shadow priest, Sub rogue or resto shaman as arena partner. I've given up on trying...
  5. Hmm that must have changed in the last 3 months I...

    Hmm that must have changed in the last 3 months I thought it was longer.. I think it would be valuable for there to be a help message for newer players to understand that they have the option to...
  6. We have a Wpvp with childern problem

    We've always had level 80 near bis players being jerks to lowbies out of boredom, but as of late it's only gotten worst since Blackrock and Frostmorne Realm has come over. Where someone would deal...
  7. Ask in global for help and usually someone will...

    Ask in global for help and usually someone will whisper you back and kill them. Just let them know class and name. This way they can prepared to deal with the issue. I am surprised someone didn't...
  8. Coming back after 3-4 years without playing

    Looking at all the servers to see which is the best one to come back to. I'm use to playing an undead Frost mage mostly for pvp and Low ICC boss runs (obs swap to fire for that). Had a few questions...
  9. Need Frost mage?

    Thraximundar is my main frost mage ilvl 397 pvp, needs a home were I can get elite gear... Still working on 2v2 gear because of bad pugs or worst; people just leaving team randomly. Not going to...
  10. It's not a point of being Racists it's a point...

    It's not a point of being Racists it's a point that every Bad player ( not noob ) has or is 70% of the time BR. It's been true in LoL and now even more true in this server on WoW.

    If you get to a...
  11. Looking for a guild to do ICC That arn't Elitiest...

    Looking for a guild to do ICC That arn't Elitiest and arn't BR pugs.

    I am 5.7k PVE fire mage and can change into another spec if need be. I have already put into your website a application. Please...
Results 1 to 11 of 16