
Type: Posts; User: angrylol

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  1. Replies

    You can make a report with your evidence, but it...

    You can make a report with your evidence, but it wont change anything for you. Try to get the dagger next week, that's all you can do.
  2. Replies

    Ok, I'll pretend you didn't understand it. What I...

    Ok, I'll pretend you didn't understand it. What I mean is, there will be fierce competition, other players will "PVP" all the profits from under your nose in AH. Since you were not able to cope with...
  3. Replies

    You buy materials and sell produced things, you...

    You buy materials and sell produced things, you don't have to leave town, no one can gank you.
    Perfect solution for you. And when you do that, no, they will not ban competition in AH, don't even ask.
  4. I think it was strictly on point, without any...

    I think it was strictly on point, without any room for misunderstandings. Exactly information this player needed to avoid trouble in the future.
    If you see it as rude, it's not on my end.
  5. You were proven wrong by the fact that you got...

    You were proven wrong by the fact that you got banned. Now you stop thinking excuses and justifications in your head, no one will care about them. Simply do not press NEED on items that are not for...
  6. That's great man you don't have to accept and...

    That's great man you don't have to accept and approve, but your next ban will be 10 days, just so you know.
  7. Replies

    Why would anyone be toxic and yell, if you meet...

    Why would anyone be toxic and yell, if you meet gear requirements and proper experience for "endgame guild"? They would be happy to have another reliable player.
  8. Replies

    Pugging is cancer, pool of players is huge, so...

    Pugging is cancer, pool of players is huge, so there is little reason to take lower gear players. Solution is to find a guild with the same interests and raid time, their objective is to find players...
  9. No, in my opinion, things from...

    No, in my opinion, things from calssic/retail/whatever are good if I can understand why they are good. But there is certain "threshold", meaning, very smart and well paid people thought about what...
  10. If you want cronoboon, you will need to lay it...

    If you want cronoboon, you will need to lay it out with proper and logical reasoning. Stating as if it's something obvious on how you feel it's disruption(it's not, according to rules), how raid...
  11. It's meh, my point with that is, there is a...

    It's meh, my point with that is, there is a competitive side, it's not a bad thing. But if everyone can just drink the sweet nectar, without putting in the work to squeeze it? It will be just another...
  12. Raid logging is not a problem, especially on high...

    Raid logging is not a problem, especially on high rate server.

    Adding things to game because "multiboxing" is not an argument.

    Lowering the difficulty of game is not a solution to anything.
  13. why is raid logging an issue? what do you mean...

    why is raid logging an issue?
    what do you mean by griefing? Getting dispelled or killed is not griefing.
    Why do people spend hours and hours getting WB, if it's not even necessary?
    Shouldn't you...
  14. I suggest you make a suggestion and have a go at...

    I suggest you make a suggestion and have a go at this point from as many aspects as you can.

    It will be rough to convince people that going on a conveyor belt where nothing ever happens, you...
  15. by giving players what they want, not what...

    by giving players what they want, not what players think they want

    It's not like they should not listen to players, people just don't understand what "listening to players" means. They will not...
  16. They will do as they think is right, regardless...

    They will do as they think is right, regardless of how it was back in the day, how it was on Classic, what you or I think it should be like. That is a fact.
    I have no idea what are you talking...
  17. This server is Warmanes Onixia realm. They will...

    This server is Warmanes Onixia realm. They will do as they please, no matter how many confused people start their "but in muh vanilla" or "official had combuboonwhatever qol", "but but but rdf bro",...
  18. it goes to the account you are selling from,...

    it goes to the account you are selling from, usable for any character on any realm.
  19. Replies

    So you click on Auctions tab, put in an item, set...

    So you click on Auctions tab, put in an item, set the price and can't post it, because the button in gray? Howw are you starting to sell things an no one is buying, if you cant post auctions? You...
  20. Replies

    Sometimes RO is the right thing to do. For...

    Sometimes RO is the right thing to do. For example, when you don't get enough "carriers" and not enough people that can barely carry themselves. When you have 15+ players who always get carried,...
  21. Replies

    Try to disable all addons, or at least post a...

    Try to disable all addons, or at least post a screenshot
  22. I doubt that huge excess gold is making economy...

    I doubt that huge excess gold is making economy bad. It would sit in player bags, and be effectively "drained out". What drives the market is demand - that is people who want their enchants, gems,...
  23. People want solution, which would be steady...

    People want solution, which would be steady market, players efforts have and retain value. Engaging in trading is rewarding instead of grinding quests as it is now. This could be definition "healthy...
  24. I'm really interested, how would that make it...

    I'm really interested, how would that make it healthy, what even is "healthy"?
  25. Problem is design, wow itself, realms here. It...

    Problem is design, wow itself, realms here. It can't be hardcore economy simulator.
    People who have lots of gold an stuff are not a problem in any way. I believe they are quite the opposite. It...
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