
Type: Posts; User: JosephAgarenzo

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  1. Want to trade gold from Lordaeron(A) to Onyxia(H)

    WTT gold from Alliance side on Lordaeron to Horde side on Onyxia. 4,500g for 500g. PM me in-game on Onyxia on Oldtimer.
  2. Want to trade gold from Lordaeron(A) to Onyxia(H)

    WTT gold from Alliance side on Lordaeron to Horde side on Onyxia. 4,500g for 500g. PM me in-game on Onyxia on Oldtimer.
  3. Need more core members to join our amazing guild!

    Need more core members to join our amazing guild!
  4. Is recruiting for our core groups!

    <Weedsmokers> <H> is recruiting mature adult, Bud smoking gamers to join our guild and core groups. Rosters are still being filled, So their's room for new members to become apart of our core group....
  5. Resto DRUID LF Progression guild (H)

    Cleared up to Rag a few times, Looking to change guilds if I find the right guild. I'm in a great guild already but I'm stuck playing Cat dps and I'd prefer healing so if you're in need of a resto...
  6. are you going to allow us to pay with points?

    Hi i was just curious if you guys where going to allow us to purchase items with points as well? I only play onyxia now so i dont have any use for all of the points i have now :(
  7. Hi feral and boomie dps Lf spot in guild, willing...

    Hi feral and boomie dps Lf spot in guild, willing to switch boomie to resto. pst oldtimer if spot is available
  8. Replies

    WofA recruitment!

    >WRATH OF AZEROTH< Is recruiting members and experienced officers, Please visit to sign up or message me in-game (Gotyoubeat-Bartimas)

    We're a new pvp/pve...
  9. Replies

    In need of officers!

    ? Join the Ranks of Wrath of Azeroth, a Newly Formed Guild! ?

    Are you prepared to traverse the frozen realms of Wrath of the Lich King? Are you itching for epic raids, exhilarating PvP battles,...
  10. Wrath of Azeroth Guild (PVP) Recruiting

    <Wrath of Azeroth> Is a newly formed PvP guild looking for active- dedicated players to help build a much needed PvP guild for the alli side. Looking forward to Premade BGs, 2s-3s-5s. All levels...
  11. Replies

    Selling 4 tab Guild Bank

    Selling 4 tab guild bank "Its Justa Bank" whisper me in-game Gotyoubeat, Bartimas, Or zaroddox, I'll be on one of those 3. Make me an offer
Results 1 to 11 of 24