
Type: Posts; User: optkr

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  1. Replies

    Thank you, this is very important with how the...

    Thank you, this is very important with how the mmr system works on Icecrown. Having it spelled out by a GM is also reassuring because we often don't know what the exact rules are.
  2. Replies

    The season just started not long ago and there’s...

    The season just started not long ago and there’s already a team over 2k. Ques are good and have been good. I’ve already played over 60 arenas this season and I can’t log during peak times. Just go...
  3. Replies

    Is there any time table for cross realm arenas...

    Is there any time table for cross realm arenas and bgs? The original estimate was 3 months, which would be right around this time.

    Also, there needs to be a way to drop mmr on icecrown and...
  4. No gladiator in 2s on Icecrown but rank 1 glad...

    No gladiator in 2s on Icecrown but rank 1 glad title for 2s on Outland.. Come on. This is just silly at this point.

    The 2s ladder is so much more active, why not just bring gladiator back? It was...
  5. And mmr on icecrown is pretty unbearable as well....

    And mmr on icecrown is pretty unbearable as well. Would be nice to have a way to reset your mmr or a system like blackrock. Just kind of annoyed by this post in general. You guys were like "ooooh...
  6. Still waiting for an update on WIT2. There's a...

    Still waiting for an update on WIT2. There's a large potential to expand the server and players if you add tournaments occasionally. I mean look at the last WIT, drainer, hulkpass, mehh, and everyone...
  7. Replies

    It's because the drop chance is so low, not...

    It's because the drop chance is so low, not because you can't have more than 1
  8. Topic: Merge?


    They have to make sure everything is working...

    They have to make sure everything is working properly before they do the merge. We don't have the information of what all they need to do nor how it is part of their business plan. We'll get it soon...
  9. Replies

    January 2, 23:59 - All gifts from Warmane are...

    January 2, 23:59 - All gifts from Warmane are delivered.
    January 2, 23:59 - All gifts from Warmane are delivered.
    January 2, 23:59 - All gifts from Warmane are delivered.
    January 2, 23:59 - All...
Results 1 to 9 of 14