1. Boomkin 4.3.4 PvP Guide

    Boomkin PvP Guide 4.3.4

    Table of Contents
    1. Introduction
    2. Talents and Glyphs
    3. Enchantments and Professions
    4. Reforging/Stat priority/Gems
    5. Macros
    6. Ablities

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    This is a guide about Balance druid in 4.3.4 Cataclysm. I am not claiming to be the best balance, but I do have some decent experience with it. Boomkin is a very under used/underestimated class in cataclysm while it has very good pressure, healing, and utility. Balance druids that utilate these perks of the class can be very effective towards their opponent. I will teach you how to do this in this guide, and hopefully you will learn a thing or two. Thanks for reading!

    Talents & Glyphs
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    This is a good spec for a non-casting comp like Affliction Warlock/Balance Druid/Resto Shaman, and also very good for healing.

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    Enchantments and Professions
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    Helmet: Vicious Intellect
    Shoulders: Vicious Intellect
    Back: Lightweave embroidery or Greater Intellect
    Chest: Mighty Resilience or Peerless Stats
    Wrist: Mighty Intellect
    Hands: Haste
    Waist: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
    Legs:Intellect Stamina or Intellect Spirit for hit
    Feet: Haste
    Weapon: Power Torrent
    Off-hand: Superior Intellect

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    Good professions that i would recommend if you play warsong is Blacksmithing and Tailoring. They will provide you with two socket bonuses and a cloak and enchant. If you play a PvE realm then i would recomend Leatherworking and Skinning because you can make yourself gear and not have to spend as much gold on the Auction House.

    Reforging/Stat Priority/Gems
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    Spirt > Haste > Crit > Mastery. The talent Balance of Power causes any spirit gained to also give you hit rating. You want 4% hit before you do anything. So once you have your Hit cap you want to get as much haste as you can (Preference). The haste will increase your spell casting speed/Dot ticks.

    Spirit > Haste (12.50%) > Crit > Mastery is another reforging guide you could follow, but again it is preference.

    Go into Moonkin form before reforging becuase it gives 5% haste.

    Stat Priority
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    Intellect: Intellect is your main stat. It increases spell power, spell critical, and mana. Get Intellect over anything else if you can.

    Spirit: Spirit will give you hit rating because of your talent Balance of Power. It also increases mana Regeneration so it is better than getting hit rating.

    Haste: Haste is your first priority that you can reforge into after you get Hit cap (4%). This is the stat that you want to stack while reforging. It ill make your cast times faster, and make your dots tick faster which equals more damage.

    Crit: Crit is good for seeing high damage numbers pop up on your screen. This stat is great for your shooting stars procs (Instant Starsurge).

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    Basic Gemming

    Red: +50 Intellect
    Yellow: +50 Resilience
    Blue: +50 Intellect or +50 Resilience
    Prismatic: +54 Intellect and 3% Increased Critical Effect

    Resilience Gemming

    Red: +25 Intellect +25 Resilience
    Yellow: +50 Resilience
    Blue: +25 Resilience +37 Stamina

    Balance Druids need a lot of resilience. Choose which gems works best for you. I prefer the basic gems because you still get a lot of Resilience, but still a lot of damage. I currently have 5.4k Resilience using the basic gems.

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    Burst: Basic burst macro to do tons of damage!
    #showtooltip Starfall
    /cast Cataclysmic Gladiator's Badge of Dominance
    /cast Lifeblood
    /cast Berserking(Racial)
    /cast Starfall

    Dispel: One of the good things about boomkin is you can dispel hex! Utilize this with these macros.
    #showtooltip Remove Corruption
    /cast [@party1] Remove Corruption
    #showtooltop Remove Corruption
    /cast [@party2] Remove Corruption

    Focus Macros: Used to cast on your focus targets in arenas.
    #showtooltip Cyclone
    /cast [target=focus] Cyclone
    #showtooltip Entangling Roots
    /cast [target=focus] Entangling Roots
    #showtooltip Solar Beam
    /cast [target=focus] Solar Beam

    Innervate: Used to cast Innervate on yourself while targeting someone else.
    #showtooltip Innervate
    /cast [@player] Innervate

    Moonkin Form: My favoritie macro for boomkin because this gets you instantly out of roots while in moonkin form.
    /cast Moonkin Form
    /cast Moonkin Form

    Basic Spell Macros: When you use treants you can cast one of these spells and it will make your treants attack your target.
    #showtooltip Wrath
    /cast wrath
    #showtooltip Starfire
    /cast Starfire

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    Lifebloom: One of your best heals when it gets done ticking. Keep this spell up if you are getting trained, becuase this will keep you alive very well.

    Rejuvination: Doesnt heal very much, but i would recommend keeping it up with lifebloom for the extra heals.

    Regrowth: Heals a decent ammount. Use when you get away from your opponent or if you juke your opponents kick. This will also give you a HoT that does not heal very much.

    Tranquility: Very good AoE heal that channels for 7 seconds. Use it when you and your allys are low on health. It has a big cooldown so make it count when you use it.

    Healing Touch: Heals for a good ammount but has a long cast. I personally do not use this heal very much. Only use it if there are no opponents around you.

    Remember to keep your HoTs up all the time when you are getting trained.

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    Starsurge: Very good damaging ability. Use it when you get the chance to cast it or if you have a proc.

    Wrath: This does decent damage and gives lunar energy.

    Starfire: Has a long cast but does good damage when it crits. Generates Solar energy.

    Moonfire: One of your main DoTs. Keep this up at all times. It will turn into sunfire when you get solar eclipse.

    Insect Swarm: Your other main DoT. Keep this up at all times aswell. Does nature damage. Keep DoTs up for shooting stars procs.

    Starfall: Use this when you burst. It does good AoE damage. The effect will end if you shapeshift into any form besides in and out of moonkin form. Getting CC'd while useing starfall will negate the damage until the CC is over.

    Force of Nature: Summons three Treants that will attack your targeting. I use this while bursting for the extra damage.

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    Barkskin: Reduced the damage you take by 20% for 12 seconds. You can use this while CC'd. Also while its glyphed it reduced the chance for you to be crit by 25%.

    Nature's Grasp: This will root enemy melee attackers. It has 3 charges. Use this when you are getting trained and need to get away to heal.

    Frenzied Regeneration: Required you to be in bear form, but will heal a great ammount. I would recommend to use enrage before this ability.

    Bash: This will stun your target for 4 seconds. Must be in bearform. Use this when you need to get away from your attacking opponent or if you are taking to much damage and you want to negate that.

    Cyclone: This will make your target unable to attack or move for 6 seconds. Use this on your focus targets or if you want to get the enemy attacker off of you.

    Entangling Roots: Roots your target in place. I highly recomend to use this in combo with your solar beam.

    Solar Beam: Silences and interupts your anyone who is in under the beam. Root your target before Solar Beaming for a 10 second Silence. This is one of the best silences in the game.

    Typhoon: Knocks your target back and dazes them for 6 seconds. Good to use when you want to knock people off of the bridge on blades edge arena or if you just want the target away from you.

    Wild Mushroom and Detonate: Puts three mushrooms on the ground and when you detonate the mushrooms they will cause an aoe slow. Good to use in a straight line and you can kite your attacker around them.


    Thanks for reading my first guide! I hope you learned something from this. Feel free to give me constructive criticism or tell me some mistakes that i made in the guide. I hope you can enjoy Balance druid as much as i do!

    Thanks to Terix for getting me into Balance druid.

    Kirakx or Paperplated @ Warsong if you have any questions.

  2. Sick guide dude, helped me alot when making my boomy. Thanks so much :D

  3. Thanks for the feedback, glad it helped!

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