1. Sorry for bumping this, but does anyone know the name of the addon that kills Lua errors in 3.3.5?
    If anyone does please reply (+kudos to you if you can post a download link).
    Thanks in advance

  2. Hello! I think everyone is aware (or almost everyone) of the bug that happens in some bosses, that you can't track your debuffs or dots on the boss sometimes. It appears that the UI can show you only a certain amount of debuffs so the ones that are applied first are rarely shown! This happens for some strange reason mostly in zerging fights like DBS and festergut! I know that this is not a personal problem I got with my UI and it's a molten thing cause everyone I know has the same problem. Anyone knows any add on that tracks the debuffs in a way that are always shown no matter what happens in your target? (Feeding the debuffs from the combat log for example)

  3. If anyone wants these addons (latest versions) just let me know.

  4. WotLK Gathermate

    I have the gathermate add-on installed in the right spot, it shows up in my add-ons and says it is active. I'm having a problem with the data though. In WoW it wont let me use the import data button and ive no idea where to put the files to manually import them. Any help would be great, thanks :)

  5. New RealUI link for WoW 3.3.5a for those looking:


    Credit to Abyss at **** for the link and screenshot:

  6. You can actually add links for UserInterfaces too, because they're really needed for Molten, tho :D!

  7. I'm looking for a particular addon for the DK. I know of places to get it like http://www.wowinterface.com/download...Here-Lite.html but it's not compatible with 3.3.5a. If anyone knows where to find a compatible version, please pm me or respond to my post. Thank you.
    Waste of memory, IMO. Just make a simple macro
    /cast Deathgrip
    /s Get over here!

    Done. Only lacking sound which could easily be added to the macro if you had the sound file.

  8. does anyone knows how did this guy get that trinket tracker from the enemy arena frames?

    i don't think it's an addon but a script, it is similar with the addon "sArena" but that's for mop/wod. i would really appreaciate if someone could tell me.
    i have something like a script but it just tracks the enemy normal trinkets but no will of the forsaken:


    trinkets = {}
    local arenaFrame, trinket
    for i = 1, 5 do
    arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i
    trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames)
    trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6)
    trinket:SetSize(24, 24)
    trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
    trinket.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\inv_jew elry_trinketpvp_01")
    trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket

    local events = CreateFrame("Frame")
    function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID)
    if not trinkets[unitID] then
    if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then
    CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1)
    SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY")

    function eventsLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD()
    local _, instanceType = IsInInstance()
    if instanceType == "arena" then
    elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then
    for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do
    trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0)
    events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end)

  9. May 15, 2015  

    URL doesnt work anymore.

    Hey I found a map add-on that works like cartographer except you cant zoom in
    new link please

  10. May 16, 2015  
    Can someone link me the raid roll addon for 3.3,5?
    Edited: May 16, 2015

  11. May 17, 2015  
    Can someone link me the raid roll addon for 3.3,5?
    Check out Here , goodluck. Or just click my signature.
    Edited: May 17, 2015

  12. May 17, 2015  
    Hello, does anybody have zygor which has 1-80 for both sides for wotlk ?

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