1. Fury warrior gearing question

    Hello everyone.
    I have a fury warrior as a main and I recently won shadowvault slayer cloak hc. Currently I have the night of ocean serpent. I am decently geared and have 100%arp. Will the cloak be a great upgrade as I will have to change my gems once I equip it. Like is it worth it?
    And is this cloak bis for warriors? In some websites they say yes and in some websites they say the togc one is better. So is it better than the TOGC cloak?
    Thank you for your replies

  2. togc > eof (with agi & arp) > anything else

  3. Hello everyone...
    If you searched trough warrior class forums page 1 and page 2 u would have seen that both:
    Umbrage + Vereesas
    Tosk + Shadowvault
    Are BiS with minor 1-2 overall stats diference.

    There are discussion on this topic that happened more than once so i guess u should not be lazy and just search for them.

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