1. Server restart?


    Can anyone tell me what the restart was for? An update or fixing lag on the realm? Like daily maintence or how you call it? Thanks!

  2. Skybro's Avatar
    This restart was to re-enable battle pets to test a new fix a long with corrections to the Cloud Serpent quest chain.
    Edit: A larger update will come later in the week.

  3. This restart was to re-enable battle pets to test a new fix a long with corrections to the Cloud Serpent quest chain.
    Edit: A larger update will come later in the week.
    The quest chain is fixed! YES FINALLY! :D

  4. This restart was to re-enable battle pets to test a new fix a long with corrections to the Cloud Serpent quest chain.
    Edit: A larger update will come later in the week.
    Finally! A word from the staff at least.... Hopefully we will love that new update :)

  5. I can confirm that the quest chain for Cloud Serpent riding works! Go get it peeps!

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