1. Luenix's Avatar

    [PvE][3.3.5] Elemental Shaman Guide Interest?

    I am considering creating and posting an extended guide for Elemental Shamans for patch 3.3.5 from the Player versus Environment perspective.

    Note: my qualifications for writing this guide include having played 2005-2011 retail as a raiding shaman. I closely followed ElitistJerks, SimC and ZAP! theorycrafting. In general, I would guess that I am one of the only srs bsns Elemental Shamans on Molten WoW.

    Please post here if you have any interest in purveying such material. Additionally, I'm welcoming any targeted questions to address if I go through with the guide.

    Sample considerations:
    - A donator's list of BIS (Best In Slot gear set)
    - A non-donator's list of BIS
    - Gearing-up guide for 5/10/25-man dungeons
    - Suggested rotations for varying levels of gear
    - Boss-by-boss guide for ICC/RS 10/25 as a raiding Elemental Shaman
    - Suggested Addons

    I would like to see some interest in any of this before I spend the next forever perfecting a guide that might not have any readers.

    I know there's already a guide for 3.3.5a Elemental Shaman PvE.

    However, I find it simply lacking both in substance and in presentation.

  2. There are 2 guides already :s... I wanted a resto pvp guide since there is none.

  3. Luenix's Avatar
    The 2nd guide linked is for enhancement. :/

    The only guide out is subpar; but, I guess I'll let this sit for a bit.

  4. I might help you if you are interested in my assistance.
    And one question.Do you have ZAP!Spreadsheet for Elemental Shaman?Could not find it anywhere..QQ.If you do would you mind to share a link?

  5. itsjustadrian's Avatar
    I'd appreciate an Elemental guide as I'm also planning on rolling a new Shammy soon.

  6. Yes please. I would like to see an Elemental PvE guide. I have some problems with gemming since I'm under hit cap.

  7. Xerophyte's Avatar
    I'd like to see an elemental guide.

    How does elemental DPS compare to enhancement DPS at endgame in equivalent gear?

  8. I'd like to see an elemental guide.

    How does elemental DPS compare to enhancement DPS at endgame in equivalent gear?
    Not bad but ench pulls the highest dps..

  9. wreetling's Avatar
    considering that Hc raids will be out soon i need a good guide since me and my old guildies are re-joining up for all of the fun coming soon, id love a good guide with good and solid info about what is right and whats not, talents working and faulty etc! Please!

  10. I'd like to see of what addons people like for ele.

  11. Carlicious's Avatar
    do a guide please,ill try to help you too if you got question about ele sham since the ele sham guide got removed from the guide compilation,there no ele sham PVE

  12. go ahead with that guide :) i'd like to see ur point

  13. We are interested, but still no guide ... :confused:

  14. July 1, 2012  
    Lampoon's Avatar
    im very interested even though this post is kinda old.

  15. July 6, 2012  
    Blmaestro's Avatar
    I've had to build and gear my ele spec/ talents without guide and am doing well but I'm far from playing this role to its full potential. I also await a molten specific guide to ele pve

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