1. some one stole my gold and eof

    some one stole my account passowrd and change my account password and log all my Characters and buy by all my Emblem of frost Primordial Saronite and take all my gold i need your help to know who stole my gold and Emblem Of frost

    thanks for your help

  2. Best help what you can get - learn from your mistake, clean your pc, don't click on everything and don't give your pass to "friends". Education costs, so consider this an investment.

  3. Best help what you can get - learn from your mistake, clean your pc, don't click on everything and don't give your pass to "friends". Education costs, so consider this an investment.
    angrylol is right, you clicked on something, or handed out your information and i bet you did not have two Factor Authentication
    keeping your account safe is very easy, trust nothing and no one and get the wo Factor Authentication. maybe warmane staff can help you get your account back, but all your characters possesions are gone. If i where you i would send a detailed message to [email protected].

    good luck

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