1. [H][EU]<Toxicity> semi-hardcore raiding guild


    The core of Marshal Arts has been together since 2014 and some of us go even further back to the days of the retail edition of The Burning Crusade. That being said we're a team of vastly experienced players. The goal of the guild is to dominate the competitive scene by creating a stable progressive and competitive raiding environment. Thus, we're looking for players who share the same ambition for competitive progression, but also those who seek more than just another raiding guild. We strive to create a guild with integrity, a place where mutual respect isn't something alien. A place where the voice of everyone is heard and more importantly, a place where fun exists in abundance.

    Before you make an application, be sure to know what you're getting into and what we expect from you.

    Guild rules and expectations

    We have expectations of the way our members behave, both socially, but also as players of the server. We expect everyone to be mature and respectful towards other players both inside and outside the guild. The following items will cause dismissal from the guild:

    Exploiting or abusing any kind of mechanics or glitches.
    Scamming or other abusive acts towards other players.
    Continually or intentionally causing drama.
    Any kind of reckless behavior that causes harm to the guild environment

    You are expected to have high attendance. We need reliable players in order to achieve our goal, so joining up raid just once a week is not acceptable. You need to be on time. When raid invites are going out, you are there and you are already moving towards the instance. Any exceptions, including vacation, being late or another reason for not raiding needs to be told to an officer.
    We also take kindly to players who enjoy spending time with their fellow guild members outside raiding hours, transcending the well-known "raid-logger" mentality. It helps to create and stimulate a social environment that everyone will appreciate, making the game a lot more fun and enjoyable!

    You are expected to join the raids knowing the instance and the bosses that mean you do your homework before showing up to class. You are expected to perform to your class' limits and stay focused during the entire raid. We want to clear the content as fast as possible, that means even during trash, you are still focused and performing to standard.

    Requirements for your character

    Fully enchanted and gemmed with the best available options.
    Two raid beneficial professions.
    Always fully equipped with consumables; flask, elixirs, potions, and any miscellaneous buffs.
    Considerable knowledge about your class and general game mechanics.


    Our raid schedule:

    Thursday 19:45-23:00 server time (GMT+1)
    Sunday/Wednesday 19:45-23:00 server time (GMT+1)

    Extended schedules for heavier tiers such as Ulduar will be discussed and implemented - if needed - in the future.

    These are the main raid days for 25-man content. 10-man content will be done on off days or remaining time if the 25 man content has been cleared. As such, we will also aim to clear note-worthy achievements on 10 man. Raid signups will be done through the website calendar.

    We use Discord during raids and you are required to be online and expected to be listening. You can download it at https://discordapp.com/

    We use loot council to distribute items. For anyone unfamiliar with the system, it is based on the following concepts:

    Attendance: Players with higher attendance are more likely to receive gear and prestige.
    Performance: Higher raid activity, being the best in your class group and the ability to execute boss strategies without fail.
    Item upgrade: Should the previous attributes be equal, this may be the deciding factor.

    If the above sounds appealing to you, contact me on Discord: Danto

    See ya!
    Edited: April 21, 2020

  2. Bump for more beastly players to add to our ranks!

    Still no mages, and no hunters!
    Edited: April 10, 2020

  3. Still looking for a hunter, a pala tank, a feral druid/(tank), and casters(missing a boomkin in particular)

    Don't miss out boys!

  4. Need a big boy warlock to complete the circle!!
    Edited: April 11, 2020

  5. Bump for sick players to compete with!
    Edited: April 12, 2020

  6. Bump for a top tier resto druid, possibly also a frost DK!

  7. Still need a Prot Pala? Or just a paladin in general.

  8. Can I have your discord server link please? ^^ Regards.

  9. Bump!
    We always got room for exceptional players, hit me up if you're interested!

  10. Still looking for our dream boomerkin!

  11. yo mage 79 about to be 80 looking to join

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