1. Disconnecting to server

    When i log in , everytime i try it , i get disconnected on Icecrown server but not on the others, what's happening?

  2. I am too. Today is the second day I cannot log in into Icecrown.

  3. This is happening to me too :( I was using Icecrown server fine on the weekend. Now i am kicked off instantly every time i try logging in or chganging realms.

    I can access other servers (Lordaeron / Blackrock) but not Icecrown.

    I tried disabling all addons for the character's on Icecrown (Yungplague) and resetting my router but no luck. I've checked the forums and older posts with people with the same problem say they can't login but their friends can?

    Please help :(

  4. confirmed:tried to login 3 times in a row and actually got it, try a bunch of times and you should hopefully get in
    Edited: August 30, 2023

  5. Just wanted to confirm, I had the exact same issue, and tried numerous things like deleting the WTF folder, reinstalling client, removing addons, etc. Only after trying to login back to back 8-10 times was I finally able to log in. Not sure why this is happening, but it did work for me. I was just able to login.

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