1. [A] Badboys - International progress guild

    Badboys Guild
    Join our Discord

    About us

    Badboys are a newly founded PVE progressive guild. Our current progress in ICC25 is 9/12HC aiming for our first LOD very soon!
    We are by no means a hardcore guild, alot of us have jobs, kids or simply not a lot of time to raid 5 times a week. We have our mainrun on fridays where we try to progress and we try to do one - two 6/12hc runs a week. As we progress and get a bigger community we want to make more raids a week. We hope to hear from you and have you in our community!

    Our raidtime is 18:00ST
    We are using DKP as looting system

    Joining us

    First and foremost, we are looking for loyal, selfless players, who know what it mean to be a teammate above all. Gear and achievements are a part of the game but don't forget to socialize, make friends and have fun!

    Requirements for applicants:

    * Discord is a must, we use discord for everything!
    * Atleast 1 character with 5.8k+ gs
    * English, it's important that you understand english. You dont need to be fluent in it,
    but you should be able to understand what's being said.
    * Any form of toxic behaviour will result in a kick from the guild. Humor on the otherhand is always welcome! If someone is offended by a joke, apologize and move on; if you’re offended, state that and then move on. There’s no need to go into depth on the matter.

    Contacting us

    You can contact any officer in our Discord
    or send me a dm on discord: Steffen#2375

    Edited: March 16, 2024

  2. Joined one of their raids and am now in the guild. The raidleader's are chill and have alot of experience, they are also fun and relaxing to listen to in raid. I would recommend this guild 10/10 :)

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