1. Shaman wow error

    i cant find this in bug tracker, and am just wondering if u even consider fixing this...or couse i am not that active posting if anyone else can post it on bug tracker..
    while in Spiritwalkers grace.... wind share+ purge on any caster... 90% or maybe even 100% of the time i get wow error... now i know this is happening allways and i try to avoid doing it , but reflex reaction on some cast from oponent makes me wow error my self ALOT . so i wonder if this gona get fixed anytime soon.. 15min deserter is realy a pain considering i mostly do RBGs when am online :)

  2. Remove /stopcasting from your macro and you shouldn't have any problem.

  3. This was reported, though the tracker seems to have been cleared of pre 4.3 bugs while I was away.

    As Cytolysis said, the cause of these crashes is /stopcasting. More specifically, if you use /stopcasting, or press escape for that matter, after you activate Spiritwalker's Grace, but before you start casting any ability that has a cast time (This does not include temporarily instant cast abilities due to Maelstrom Weapon or things of that nature, you need to start an actual cast) you will crash. If you cast anything with a cast time, even if you do not complete the cast, you will be fine for the rest of the duration.

    Of course that's no solution, and it's frequently not possible in intensive PvP situations to do this without taking some sort of loss, so ideally they took note of it before the clearing on the bug tracker.

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