1. Which Server for 19s?

    Which is the best server with the most population of 19s?

  2. Lordaeron is insta queue during peak times and more and more 19 twinks are appearing every day.

  3. Lordaeron is insta queue during peak times and more and more 19 twinks are appearing every day.
    I play on a different timezone. In dead hours (3:00-7:00 ST), queues can take as long as 30 minutes. While in semi-peak hours (2:00-5:00 ST), queue can jump between 5 to 15 minutes. The problem with Lordaeron though is that you can't spend your honor points for epic gems and other mats, unlike in other WotLK realms. This means once you've spent all your points on gear, there's nothing to technically valuable to spend on unless you wait for TBC and WotLK PvP vendors to arrive.

    For now, Lordaeron is definitely the best. Not to mention, the gear gap between twinks and normal lvling players is much smaller since heirlooms are currently unavailable.

  4. The best server is Warmane, and the best Realm is Lordaeron. May be on Ragnaros it is easier to level to 19 and easier to gear your twink because they have RDF available and you can get the bags with blue items in dungeons. And may be right now there's more twinks. In Lordaeron the process will be slower but in the end you will be happier with your character, since it is "harder" to finish, and as Derek says, more and more people is stopping their XP at 19. You should start now. We play on the Alliance side and we are small but growing. I will leave the link to the Armory from Deathwing since Lordaeron Armory is not available. And the guild's website. There's screenshots and stuff from 19 and the Server.


  5. It seems like imma have to beg for them 10 gold tho.

  6. Although I'm having fun right now, the amount of hunters is sickening...

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