1. Laugh a little

    A man have 2 beautifull sheep one is black another is white .
    A reporter came to intervew about Sheep he asked to sheep man, what do u feed them?
    (Sheep man) to white one or black one sheep.
    (reporter) white one
    (Sheep man) green grace
    (reporter) and black one
    (Sheep man) same green grace
    (reporter) asked another where do you leash them?
    (Sheep man) to white one or black.
    (reporter) white one.
    (Sheep man say)in sun light.
    (reporter) and black one
    (Sheep man) same in sun light.
    (reporter pissed) if u feed same and leash on same place to them then why u asking white one or black one?.
    (Sheep man) because white one is mine.
    (reporter) and black one
    (Sheep man) black one is mine too.
    (me) LMAO :)

  2. it was a bit hard to read but i laughed too :-)

  3. it was a bit hard to read but i laughed too :-)
    i just only got 5.0 band in writing out of 9.0

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