1. Which side and class to pick?

    Hello all,

    i'm new to Lorderon and I would like to know which side is best to pick to focus on PvE. As well I would like to know what is the class that is in most need as I love and can play all of them. Healers, dps tanks? And which class specific.

    Thank you for your time,


  2. From what I can gather people recommend going Horde atm for PvE and currently the most wanted classes (DPS wise) are Mages,Hunters, and Warlocks.

    Other classes raids want atm are Druids and Shamans. Healers and tanks are always needed and these 2 classes can do one of those roles. Shaman can also DPS as well if needed.

  3. I am one of the top geared Restoration and Enhancement Shaman's on the server.
    These are my opinions on the class/specs that I've formed after months of raiding.
    I hope this list will help you choose what you wish to be.
    Also.. The Horde raiding scene is much bigger than the Alliance one.

    Viable Tanks :: Paladin > Druid
    Bad Tanks :: Warrior / Death Knight

    Big Damage Casters :: Fire Mage/Warlock
    Support Casters :: Elemental Shaman / Balance Druid / Shadow Priest
    Bad Casters :: Arcane Mage > Frost Mage

    Big Damage Melee :: Assassination-Combat Rogue / Frost-Unholy Death Knight
    Support Melee :: Enhancement Shaman > Feral Druid > Retribution Paladin
    Bad Melee :: Arms-Fury Warrior > Subtlety Rogue

    Hunters Big Damage :: Beast Mastery > Marksman > Survival

    Amazing Healers :: Discipline Priest / Holy Paladin
    Good Healers :: Holy Priest > Restoration Druid
    Not As Good But Still Good :: Restoration Shaman

  4. any side

    most wanted tanks are paladin and druid. Lordaeron's buffed raid dmg favors those more than war dk.

    most rare dps imo is warlock, spriest, hunter, mage

    most wanted healer is shaman. Everyone wants one.
    Edited: October 3, 2016

  5. most rare dps imo is warlock, spriest, hunter, mage

    most wanted healer is shaman. Everyone wants one.
    Warlock/Mage/Hunter are 3 of the most commonly used dps, since they're ranged, and very high damage.

    Since they changed how Chain Heal works, Shaman's are now the weakest healer. A raid would never want to bring more than 1.
    + you don't need 1, since Elemental Shamans fit into any raid.
    Paladin and Discipline priests are much more sought after in terms of healers.

  6. Thank you all for reply!
    You have helped me a lot!

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