1. Suggestion: Give mana pots as an alternative RDF reward

    For healers mana potions would be much preferred to health potions.

  2. Suggestion, increase rewards drastically for healers/tanks ti make it a somewhat viable source of income to reduce dps rdf waiting times.

  3. Absolutely agree on both
    Heal Pots are worth nothing, Healers need Manapots and other Mana Classes can use them as well
    Give better rewards to tanks & healers (Elixiers, more XP, ...)

  4. Absolutely agree on both
    Heal Pots are worth nothing, Healers need Manapots and other Mana Classes can use them as well
    Give better rewards to tanks & healers (Elixiers, more XP, ...)
    Gold, more Gold! It gives less then one gold for torture session with 3 dps that want to pull but refuse to tank.

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