Im Badbet(Goodbet). Some of you might know me already. On sunday i will organize small HnS event. Come and join the fun!

[Hide and Seek]
27.02.2022 Sunday 15:00 - 17:00 realm time.

All horde players welcome!
Find corpses of my alts hidden in the Old Azeroth(1-60 lvl zones).
Four alts each hidden in the different zone.
We will to use custom channel. All clues will be posted on it. Channel name will be announced at 14:45 on global chat.
Event will last two hours. You can join it anytime!

My alts nicks and zone of search will be given at the start of event. Extra clues will be timed and posted at the event channel. There will be no raid group during the event! You do not have to be active during whole event. Just keep an eye on the event chat and wait for new clues@!

Prize pool is 20000 gold. Each "corpse" will be worth 5000g. You can win multiple prizes.