1. Frostwolf

    Hey, I'm currently multiboxing 5 hunters on frostwolf and would like to know if there are others.
    If we find enough boxer, we might be able to form a guild. That would be awesome :D

  2. I used to play in Frostwolf, I boxed 15 accounts.
    I'm playing a WoD server at the moment, I might come back to MoP one day :P

  3. Oh wow, horde or alliance? I do not have the achievement points to start farming vote points yet, but I'd probably race change in the future if there was any boxer on horde I could raid sw with (currently alliance).
    Edit: Assuming you ever consider coming back D:

  4. Hi,
    There is some active boxers on horde.
    With 5 hunters you can farm dungeons and do JP to Honor transfer to get pvp gear.
    Edited: August 31, 2016

  5. [...]
    With 5 hunters you can farm dungeons and do JP to Honor transfer to get pvp gear.
    I'll do that. Gotta skill up professions first + farming honor in bgs for the weapon on every single hunt, because honor gained via jp->hp transfer doesn't seem to count towards the 7250 season earned requirement.

    Well, I might transfer then as soon as I have the vote points. Alliance queues still seem to be longer than the horde ones, making it harder to sync with premades in the future.
    Edited: August 31, 2016

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