1. Miner's Hat of the Deep

    I have this item drop in Icecrown,

    Can anybody let me know what it might be worth?

  2. [QUOTE=Kinappy;2787935]I have this item drop in Icecrown,

    If you plan to twink at 39 then it might be worth,if you are just a leveler that wants to ding 80 is no use for it,but some people might pay a good sum of gold for it,wanna sell it?
    Edited: March 25, 2017

  3. If it's worth something then I'll sell it, otherwise it will just sit in the bank with everything else. If I twink it probably would not be a caster anyhow.

  4. If you want rid of it I'll buy it.

    In fact even if I don't buy it, the fact I've said I'll buy it will cause selaya and several others to want it too.


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