1. Is Lordaeron's Auction House bugged?

    Hi I'm new and I am very sorry If I'm posting on the wrong section.

    I have been selling things on the AH for a bit now and haven't had any problem until today. Some of my last few sales are just completely gone.

    I got the "Sale pending" mails like usual but never got the final mail with the money, my mailbox is completely blank and the items are also gone. They are not on my auction list or my inventory so I pretty much lost money, items and loads of time farming for nothing.

    I'm a level 15 Shaman Draenei, I have only used Stormwind's AH in the past few days and already got plenty of golds thanks to it, I only ran into this problem today. I am quite worried about using AH again in case I waste hours again farming for nothing.

    Is this a recurring bug at the moment, is anyone else having this problem?

    Please help, many thanks

  2. Has been forwarded. There was an issue before with created auction being moved to the Neutral AH (Gadzetan, Booty Bay etc), but that has been resolved
    How long have you waited? The gold can be 1-2 hours late behind the "item has been bought" notification

  3. Thanks for the swift reply.

    I farmed in the morning and put everything on auction around lunch time in UK, I got buyers for most of what I put up pretty much straight away so I managed to collect some money pretty quickly and I still had about 12 pending mails before I left. This was more than 8 hours ago.

    When I went back this afternoon the mailbox was just completely blank. The majority of things I put up for sale just disappeared and I haven't seen any money.

  4. Just checked again this morning and still nothing.

    Can you confirm this bug has been resolved? I'm afraid to waste hours farming for nothing again. Also, is there no way to get my money or items back?

    Many thanks!

  5. In addition to this AH bug , i noticed that when i create a new auction, after setting the buyout price (eg: 13 silver) , the auction is listed as 40gold or another crazy amount. This doesn't happen on all auctions, but it does seem pretty random.

    I had this same bug on other private servers, but don't know if it's related to the town's AH (Stormwind in this case) or something else.

    Info on this would be more than appreciated.

  6. In addition to this AH bug , i noticed that when i create a new auction, after setting the buyout price (eg: 13 silver) , the auction is listed as 40gold or another crazy amount. This doesn't happen on all auctions, but it does seem pretty random.

    I had this same bug on other private servers, but don't know if it's related to the town's AH (Stormwind in this case) or something else.

    Info on this would be more than appreciated.
    Are you sure you're clicking on per stack or each option if u'r selling stackable stuff?
    I can't think of anything else to be causing it.

  7. At least I'm glad I'm not the only one having random problems with the AH. ;)

  8. Thank god that Lordaeron was 99% bug free right? Such a fun experience! :)

  9. Alright it happened again.
    I checked my mail last night and had about 10 auctions pending. Logged on this morning and my mailbox is completely blank, there's 0 emails.
    Lost about 10g this time. This may seem little but the economy is still very poor in Lordaeron so this is a big ****ing amount.

    Please can you look into this issue? I'm scared of putting anything at all in the AH now in case i'll be just wasting time and money farming for nothing.

  10. I have also had this issue.
    I sent one of the GMs a message about it yesterday.

  11. Yeah I still have the same problem, I also opened a ticket in game and added a new entry to the bugtracker you can vote up so hopefully we can have this fixed..


  12. This bug has been around for years at least on the Wrath realms, many people have complained about it, but usually the staff just denies that it exists. So Idk if it will be fixed anytime soon.

  13. This bug has been around for years at least on the Wrath realms, many people have complained about it, but usually the staff just denies that it exists. So Idk if it will be fixed anytime soon.
    How come I have never encountered it?
    Im placing about 300 items every day and yet to see something is 'misteriously' gone.

  14. How come I have never encountered it?
    Im placing about 300 items every day and yet to see something is 'misteriously' gone.
    I have also never noticed it but there have been a few forum threads about it and from their stories and screenshots the problem really seemed to exist. But the problem seems to be more serious on Lordaeron so it should be easier to identify and fix there.

  15. I have also never noticed it but there have been a few forum threads about it and from their stories and screenshots the problem really seemed to exist. But the problem seems to be more serious on Lordaeron so it should be easier to identify and fix there.
    Well yeah, it's really game-breaking if ur stuff just disappears.
    I haven't used much of the AH on Lordaeron but haven't lost anything there as well.
    Anyway I upvoted the bug report on the bugtracker hope it get fixed on the next changelog.

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