1. Old timer back for more fun!

    Ahoi hoi ppl.

    My name is Alex but Im usually known as SirRock.

    I used to play here many years back but decided to take a break and never really came back and when MoP came out I decided to have a look at it so joined Retail WoW and with WoD out Im really geting into WoW again.

    However I really miss the WoTLK content so why not hop back to my favorite private server and replay it. All the "old" lvling content should be really nice to "relive".

    However. Want to catch up with me you will be able to find me in the WoTLK server. :)

    /// Alex aka SirRock

  2. Hey Alex, welcome to Warmane. WotLK is one of my favourite expansions, too, and one of the more polished ones here; I hope you enjoy your nostalgic trip.

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