1. Scammers everywhere

    I'm making this thread to raise awareness considering scammers on Lordaeron. It's been a few days now that lot of people get scammed, with loss of high amount of gold. Unfortunately, there is no measure taken by Warmane to incapacitate those scammers. So I was wondering, is scam tolerate by Warmane ? What prevent you to track back gold exchange, IP and stuff to ban ALL of his account once for all ?


    Moreover, don't you think refund could be a fair thing ? Whether you take measure to take him down, whether you get people refunded. But currently, none of these is applicated, which leads in dishonesty more and more.

    I know that everything can't be perfect, but please, do something so everyone can play without the fear of being scammed.

  2. You can discuss bans and how they are handled with GMs, be it by PMs or in-game.
    Scamming isn't tolerated, but nothing will happen if you don't make a proper report.
    Trying to make reports in the open Forums will just earn you infractions.

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