1. LFP Lordaeron x1


    Let me take a couple of minutes of your time from you. My name is Furor, and I invite you to join our raider squad.
    What is it and why do you need it?

    - Our group is focused on PvE content, namely, a FULL passage of all instances and raids.

    - We do not chase the GS, and do not filter you by GS, your strength is in your hands, it is not the GS that matters to us, but your practical indicators.

    - We have our own approach to each battle, we come up with the most effective and interesting tactics, no Zerg, no overgear, your strength is in your hands. We do not stand on the platform in the second phase of Heigan the Unclean, we do not get 3-4 bunkers from fire / poison on snakes in ToC and so on.

    - If you do not have enough knowledge or skills, but there is a desire to improve yourself, we will help, teach, and Forge a real raider from you. We have enough knowledge about the most diverse aspects of WoW, and if you are an experienced player, we will be very happy with your knowledge.

    - Despite the seriousness of our plans, we are very funny and friendly, it’s very easy to get used to and join our squad.

    - We don’t care about the language you speak, this is an international server, and if you have at least basic English (like my xd), then we will find a communication.

    At this stage, we are not a guild, we are rather a neutral static, because there are too few of us to create a guild and there is no reason for it, in any case, if you want to get a full raid experience that I personally don’t have enough here, then contact me, ask any question , and specify any details.

    Good luck to you! Thank you for your time.

    Lordaeron x1 Alliance

    Discrod: Dominus Furor # 4691
    Nickname in Game: Dominusshama
    Telegram: https://t.me/Dominus_Furor
    Gmail: [email protected]
    Edited: October 29, 2019

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