1. Accomplished Enchanters of Lordaeron

    Hi guys,

    I'm after a few of the rarer Enchanting recipies for a 39 twink I'm making, and most of them require reputation with BC factions.

    Are there any enchanters on the server (Alliance or Horde, I don't care which) who pride themselves on having most or even all of the available recipies? Or has anybody made a twink before who can give me the names of some enchanters who helped them out?

    Any help would be appreciated :)

  2. I got soulfrost,sunfire,mongoose.Also have 30 sp for twinks.Asrael has hands spell power enchants for 19s.
    Xevious (me)
    Horde faction.

  3. Got most of the TBC enchants on Neryx[H].
    Missing just a couple drop/world drop ones like Spellsurge, Shield Block, Boar's Speed and Cat's Swiftness.

  4. Thanks guys, I'll look you up!

    But if there's any more of you out there, some of the enchants I need include +20 agi to wep, +12 stam to bracer and +15 agi to gloves.

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