1. Give us (some) LORDAREON this summer....

    Hello, I would like to make feedback for upcoming realm... In my opinion releasing lordareon with end of summer holiday (or soon after) is with all politeness edge of stupidity. Some people just dont have infinite amount of time like in childhood and in this case is it very disturbing. Lordareon is thing, that would apreciate huge number of WoW community. Its really great thing playing on brand new realm with fresh economy etc.. But with total blizzlike like this its nearly unthinkable to catch up with other players at realease day and enjoy I would say first generation of players on this realm. People like me would surely apreciate to pop up some serious levels when they have free time and then play on occasion. If devs need more time then just realease kalimdor and eastern kingdoms. Thing like this would really solve atleast part of the problem. Sorry for my terrible english. Just sayin... realeasing hardcore blizzlike with start of new school year is just stupid as **** in my eyes...

  2. Understandable, but keep in mind if you dont have the time to play on a hardcore server, then do not play on it , its simple as that, I cant tell you what you can and cant do, but the most logical thing is that if you dont have time, you play on the servers that helps you faster.

    People want a hardcore server, I know I want to, since it will be a great nostalgic trip for me and probably for alot of people.

  3. All this project feels like going back to 2010 (or whatever) and live entire expansion on official server shame the time moves on:(

  4. We will release it when it's ready to be released for us. Not a single moment before that.
    And which season we are in isn't what's important here, nor is it whether this or that hemisphere will be in school vacations (you do know that your "summer" is winter for half the world, right?).

  5. I thought most players here are from Europe

  6. A lot are, certainly not all. But that's not relevant to Lordaeron.
    We want to release it when it's ready in our eyes, not in the opinion of people who want us to rush so they can play.

  7. I hope you 100% fix this new wotlk client before you open Lordearon, id like to start playing with it from day 1

  8. A lot are, certainly not all. But that's not relevant to Lordaeron.
    We want to release it when it's ready in our eyes, not in the opinion of people who want us to rush so they can play.
    Do you know when we'll be given an ETA?

  9. Do you know when we'll be given an ETA?
    At some point between now and when it happens.

  10. At some point between now and when it happens.
    Thats a freaking amazing answer XD

  11. Agh, no. Be fore that should happen I say fix the bugs, fix none working content

  12. Agh, no. Be fore that should happen I say fix the bugs, fix none working content
    They know what to do and they are doing it as much as resources allows. It's their apple of the eye atm so they want to give us the most and the best LK server ever made. Its ok for me to wait even till december if im sure it will be 99.9% working (pvp/raids/quests/achi/etc) I can wait for this .because it's gonna be legen wait for it dary !

  13. They know what to do and they are doing it as much as resources allows. It's their apple of the eye atm so they want to give us the most and the best LK server ever made. Its ok for me to wait even till december if im sure it will be 99.9% working (pvp/raids/quests/achi/etc) I can wait for this .because it's gonna be legen wait for it dary !
    99.9 was not even retail lol :D It will never be 99.9 but can be pretty close to retail. But not soon. For example- ICC is still lot bugged. Pos is bugged like hell. Ulduar- hell too etc. They need time.

  14. At some point between now and when it happens.
    I love you.

  15. Become a Hippy and drop out from society. Then you will have more time for WOW and other things in life. Problem solved.

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