Something different.

We don't pride ourselves nor seek recognition for being the best of the best because it's a freakin video game. We'd rather be the most fun loving social guild experiencings all MOP Warmane has to offer and have the most fun doing so! Haters be damned! So jelly! ;).

BGs? Heck Ya
Raids? Sign Me UP!

Prospect of failure? BRING IT ON!!!!!

We accept everyone regardless of skill level as long as they are committed to getting better and more importantly having fun with all their guildies. We are all a team regardless of skill level. We are easy going lads in lasses having a good time while laying waste to our enemies! We might not be the best, we might not be the brightest, but hell, we aim to be the most FUN guild on warmane.

If you suck at PVP or PVE, hey, we are here to enjoy the game and overcome every and all challenges! Every team is only as strong as their weakest member and we pride in developing that weakest member to POWN ARSE.


#1. Be social and have a good time with your guildies.

#2. Be committed to the above and help your fellow dude and dudettes skill up and gear up 85+.

#3. Don't be a poor loser and killjoy Mister Rage-o-hol. Nobody likes a poor loser and since we aren't pros here we are going to make mistakes! Be supportive of your fellow dudes and dudettes.

#4 . And most importantly, be reliable! We are a socially conscious guild here. There is room for 3000 rating super WOW heros and 1000 rated willing to improve wannabes! Everyone helps everyone in the end to reach their potential. Go Team!

PS. I'll need help so officers and recruiters are highly recruited. Everyone is welcome to have a 30 day to 60 day trial period, if it doesn't work out for either party. HEY! No hard feelings!

PM me here on forums or write one of my alts in game, castella is the official GM. We will hence be known forth as the collectors, bringers of good times for all and bugger all who stand in our way!! PVE or PVP horde GRRRRRRRR... xD.

Happy Gaming!!!