1. Resto Sham. combat mana regen - bugged!

    Whats happenning with combat mana regn ? is there anything posted on bugtracker? my full green druid has more combat regen than pvp geared shamy ;C
    I struggle with 6.7k combat while green duid is with 7k+ cause i dont remember now.
    So are formulas broken ?
    Edited: April 5, 2015

  2. 521 ilvl resto shaman offspec healed msv today and holy **** mana regen is so slow. I regained 1% mana every 3 seconds while out of combat. OUT OF COMBAT! 10K SPIRIT! Also something is seriously messed up with elemental mana regen. I did 121 million damage on dummy, no chain lightning's WITH telluric currents glyph and almost ran out of mana. Granted I didn't use thunderstorm but I shouldn't have to when I'm not using chain lightning at all + telluric currents glyph.
    Edited: April 5, 2015

  3. Yes something is really wrong. Yesterday I tried to heal MSV and Terrace but it wasnt possible cause of combat regen. It doesnt exist atm.
    Dunno why there isnt any post on bugtracker about it. Also it's kinda weird that my full green druid with 2 tyra pieces has more combat regen than my fully pvp geared shaman (mostly tyra with 2 grievous pieces).

    Now I bought Contender's set for my druid to see if it gets any better and yet there is no spirit at all on Cont set this is what I get:

    Druid 2200 spirit - combat regen is 7241and ouf of combat it's 8483.
    After reforging every pieces w/o spirit I have 3798 spirit and 8143 combat regen and out of combat it's 10287.

    On shamy I have 5993 spirit and combat regen is 6720, out of combat it's 10100.

    My sham is fully gemed and enchanted while druid not!

    So anyone that played shaman on retail know the numbers or anyone here? It's raelly annoying ;C

  4. Very real! What the heck mate? 5900 spirit and i got 4493 mana regen in combat and 7787 when out of combat?!?!?!! And I am 490 ilvl full PVE gear. Seriously? This is c**p. Seriously, repair this bug...you know, it should must be a priority!...4493 mana regen in combat with 5900 spirit.DUDES!

  5. the combat mana reg for shamy comes from 2 things: 1st is spirit (as shamans we have 50% mana regen from allowed to continue in combat, unlike druids and priests who have 80%. The second and more important sourse is water shield and resurgence procs (im not very about the name of the passive skill) which allows you to gain amount of mana on critical heal AND it gives u around 2k passive mana regen, so basicly when u hit about 7500 spirit, and 10% haste u can go all for crit, for more mana regen
    in my case with 7,700 spirit i have 7723 mana reg with the water shield

  6. this was fixed before the moltdown. if you remember how bad it was when mop was first launched. same thing now again. it has something to do with the base mana regen
    Edited: April 6, 2015

  7. Sorry if I might, but frankly I find it incredible and almost unbelievable that after months of reports on the bug tracker, forum, in the game and then again on the forum in the post created by Sapphire The gm, the COMBAT MANA REAGENT of Shaman was not not say fix but even taken into account.
    Even on the bug tracker his priority is given to normal, how is possible this in a server as Warmane?
    Sorry for the outburst but a player who else can do if you do not ask: please I ask beseeching GM Show Some CONSIDERATION FOR THE SHAMAN AND FINALLY fixate this huge BUG OF MANA REAGENT making it impossible to tackle challenging raid as TOT.

    Thanks in advace.

  8. The base mana regen Shaman is blatantly bug, who is the developer in charge of this class? Why mana based regent of druid and the monk were fixed while that of the shaman has been compromised?
    What checks are made by the staff on the alleged fix that made?
    On what criteria are established priorities fix the classes?
    In the hope that someone will deign to answer these questions (rather vain) greet you respectfully.

  9. it's not just resto, it's all specs of shamans.

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