1. [A] Darksun, finnish guild

    For starters, to all you thirdies without a basic english knowledge, finnish is a natinality and has nothing to do with "finishing all the raids" or something. kk thx. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Finnish

    We are Darksun. We are the mighty crew that took two glorious realm first kills just after they reseted their databases second time. We are the past, we are the present, but most of all, we are the future. And we need you!

    As a guild, Darksun's roots go far back in time, long before the grand opening of Molten. We are here to continue that legacy that was once left on our shoulders. And we carry it with pride. We have cleared every possible encounters in WotLK, including yogg'saron, Eye of Eternity down to 1%, Lich King on heroic modes, Halion in heroic modes.

    We are uniting all our northern brothers, we do not ask for for gear, it is merely a tool for upcoming raid tiers yet there is none to come. We do not ask for experience, everything can be learned. We do not ask for tit pics... oh nvm yeh we do.. What we do ask is maturity and laid back attitude. What er offer? That is for you to find out.

    If you are a finn, or if you want to learn finnish, or if you just hate swedish ppl (6-1 @2011) Feel free to contact an officer in Darksun or fill an application at darksunkilta.com

    Simply the best,
    Adalay, The leader of Darksun

  2. About time you guys got your guild thread up on the forums. All the best :D.

  3. #Megis #2sinisellätäplällä #roiskeetsamaansuuntaan

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