1. July 3, 2015  

    Is it possible to gain enough gear to raid ?

    Hi guys,

    I'm looking at starting to play here and instant lvling an 80 char. My question is as the server has been opened years would it be an issue doing heroics etc to get gear and other raids so i am able to do ICC.

    I don't want to spend the money on coins to get gear, i want to instant the char and gain the gear myself.

    Is it a waste of time starting ?


  2. July 3, 2015  
    Nope! You should be able to grind it out without any issues. I've instant 80'd my characters many times simply because i'm lazy and haven''t had any issues.

  3. July 3, 2015  
    Once you get your instant 80 just do some Northrend quests while naked to get some green gear, just enough to do some normal dungeons and then work up to heroics from there. I'm intent on never spending a dime here unless it's for a mount/tabard.

  4. July 3, 2015  
    Thanks for the replies, what's more populated. Horde or alliance?

  5. July 3, 2015  
    I think it's pretty much 50/50 i'm not entirely sure though as i've only played Alliance here.

    hopefully this will help you


  6. July 3, 2015  

  7. July 7, 2015  
    Nope! You should be able to grind it out without any issues. I've instant 80'd my characters many times simply because i'm lazy and haven''t had any issues.
    QFT , same here .

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