1. Icecrown Citadel ID system

    How ICC will be working with IDs? If someone will have Kingslayer will he be able to change difficulty for example with 6 bosses killed from normal to heroic?Or it will have 4 lockouts 10nm/10hc/25nm/25hc?Or just 2 10nm|hc / 25nm|hc?

  2. ICC will be released at least a year from now...

  3. ICC will be released at least a year from now...
    Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    Outland release 1 month after launch
    Northrend release 2 months after launch
    Death Knight release 2 months after launch

    Your post meant nothing there

  4. Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    Outland release 1 month after launch
    Northrend release 2 months after launch
    Death Knight release 2 months after launch

    Your post meant nothing there
    u really think they are calling it progressive just because of some level limitations for a few weeks? lol

  5. Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor release at launch
    Outland release 1 month after launch
    Northrend release 2 months after launch
    Death Knight release 2 months after launch

    Your post meant nothing there
    What ? Even Malaco said on stream many times, they gonna realse raid tiers 2-3 months after each other. So he is basicly right. ICC is like year away from now. Do Your reserch before you post something. "Northrend release 2 months after launch" dont mean its ICC launch time. First you gonna have naxx for 2-3 months, then Uldu, then ToC , then ICC.
    Edited: October 26, 2015

  6. well, 99% sure it will be just like retail.... :)

  7. What ? Even Malaco said on stream many times, they gonna realse raid tiers 2-3 months after each other. So he is basicly right. ICC is like year away from now. Do Your reserch before you post something. "Northrend release 2 months after launch" dont mean its ICC launch time. First you gonna have naxx for 2-3 months, then Uldu, then ToC , then ICC.
    To be honest that's not 100% confirmed really... Some tiers can be longer and some can be shorter... They are not sure how long it's gonna be but i would say it depends how long tiers are gonna be.... I mean Ulduar with all the bosses and hard modes in 2-3 months? That's way too little time in my opinion considering they might buff raids to make it more challanging (as they have done with certain fights in vanlia). Besides we will see but i recall that function never really worked on the rest of the realms but it can be a new thing on this realm who knows? To be honest i wish the raid tiers will have a reasonable amount of time for the hardcore, casuals and the average raider :)

  8. How ICC will be working with IDs? If someone will have Kingslayer will he be able to change difficulty for example with 6 bosses killed from normal to heroic?Or it will have 4 lockouts 10nm/10hc/25nm/25hc?Or just 2 10nm|hc / 25nm|hc?
    Regardless of the release schedule, I'm still curious to hear an answer to the topic question.

    He's correct that on retail, anyone who killed normal Lich King would have the ability to change raid to heroic. This could be done on the fly so groups could pick and choose which heroic encounters they wanted to do. It was common for normal ICC groups to form, but the difficulty would be switched to heroic for easy fights like Marrowgar, Gunship and Festergut.

    How does this work on DW currently?
    Edited: October 26, 2015

  9. How does this work on DW currently?
    You can't do such things on Rag/Dw.

  10. You can't do such things on Rag/Dw.
    Yeah even on old Lord that function did not work :)

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