1. Severe lags

    As title states a lot of people are experiencing severe lag spikes, so the issue seems to be server-side and not person specific. Just for the sake of testing I logged on Blackrock at the same time and lag was non-existant peaking at like 42ms. I'm using a 100mbps cable connection so this is not the issue for sure. My guess is the player base is too large and at 7k it just cannot be handled.

    Suggestion and questions: Maybe cap Lordaeron to 6k players max? Maybe with the release of Outland and Wotlk content people will spread across the world and overall latency will reduce?

    Observation: When HUGE amount of people was gathered near the Dark Portal for the "movie" capturing there was also HUGE lag. Following a simple logic - too many people at one place prompts for severe lags, affecting everyone.

    Concerns: My main concern along with other people in here is Arenas at level 80. Can we reach the arena lag-free stability of Blackrock(old AT)?

  2. I have to agree that alot of the lag we experience when the server is capped at 7000 players does kill the pvp experience completely for me and alot of other players.

    Decreased player cap would help as the servers seem to struggle abit on 7000 players.

  3. They bite more then they can chew reducing cap would help alot

  4. And what exactly says its the cap? It has been completely lag free at cap and people in queue. Only lately I've started to feel some lag, mainly when they are being ddos'ed. I believe its something else and I also believe it'll get resolved as soon as they are able. Making "suggestion" threads to professionals who maintain this is..lel. Out.

  5. I can confirm that it is server side. I've played on other private servers as well as their Blackrock server and the lag disappears. I can appreciate them trying to raise the cap for a higher pop, but not when it effects gameplay. That being said, it seems like it affects US players more from what I've noticed - many players probably aren't experiencing the lag.

    In regard to competitive arena and end game raiding - well there won't be any for players who experience this lag.

    My dream would be for them to open another similar server and start a battlegroup haha!

  6. Any chance we could get a staff response on if they are aware/resolving/thinking about the high pop lag issue?

  7. A I'm using a 100mbps cable connection so this is not the issue for sure.
    Ping has nothing to do with connection speed. Ping is related to the routing that your ISP used between your computer and the destination

    Other than that, it is probably server side if people using different providers are having delays

  8. 25 ms with a 0.5 - 2 second delay (which is 500 - 2000 ms)

    If you take a look at the movement of other players it looks like they walk in the same place and suddenly teleport few yards away in a different direction waking in the same place again. This is terrible.

  9. 25 ms with a 0.5 - 2 second delay (which is 500 - 2000 ms)

    If you take a look at the movement of other players it looks like they walk in the same place and suddenly teleport few yards away in a different direction waking in the same place again. This is terrible.
    That is indeed the issue, and it's not happening only when the realm has a queue, it usually starts when it gets more than 6k people.
    The MS remains the same, but the delay is there... spells coming out after you already died, casting while moving and so on.

  10. I'm glad I got your attention and we are on the same page. This is an issue effecting everybody. Just for the record I am using Quartz's MS indicator which gives you an idea of the current MS while you cast a spell for example, in my opinion it is much more accurate than the blizzards built in tool(green/yellow/red) ms which is not updated each second. So Quartz is constantly indicating something between 180-260 ms at server peak time - sometimes spiking up to 500. After a server crash, while people are still logging and server is relatively unpopulated I get like 42-62 real time MS showed by Quartz. So following a common logic it has Everything to do with population and player cap.
    Could we get a staff response on this matter?
    Edited: November 3, 2015

  11. severe lags CONFIRMED. not only that but the amount of DCs going on is terrible, wouldnt be so bad if the ROLLBACKS were +10-15 minutes especially while you are leveling.

  12. severe lags CONFIRMED. not only that but the amount of DCs going on is terrible, wouldnt be so bad if the ROLLBACKS were +10-15 minutes especially while you are leveling.
    15 min rollbacks? Lol, the stuff you're smoking is really strong, it just makes time fly by xD

  13. I'm glad I got your attention and we are on the same page. This is an issue effecting everybody. Just for the record I am using Quartz's MS indicator which gives you an idea of the current MS while you cast a spell for example, in my opinion it is much more accurate than the blizzards built in tool(green/yellow/red) ms which is not updated each second. So Quartz is constantly indicating something between 180-260 ms at server peak time - sometimes spiking up to 500. After a server crash, while people are still logging and server is relatively unpopulated I get like 42-62 real time MS showed by Quartz. So following a common logic it has Everything to do with population and player cap.
    Could we get a staff response on this matter?
    For me the server ranges between 30 and 60 on peak time, your high ping is due to distance or you have a poor connection (Server is located in Europe, France I think). For me the ping wa so far most of the time stable, there are some lagspikes and DCs which are annoying but you just have to learn to live with them, you need to understand that each fix they apply probably breaks atleast 1 thing, so its a constant loop of trying to find what went wrong, and thats most likely causing troubles, they gonna eventualy fix it, considering the work they did put up lately its gonna be sooner then later, so just bare with them for a bit. Cheers.

  14. Please read my posts before writing. I have given you examples with high and low server population and how this affects the MS. I have also given you details about my connection and the fact that on Blackrock I have 45ms tops at any time. My location is in Europe and actually not that far away from France so don't try to neglect the obvious problem and put it on my connection or location. Cheers.

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