1. Revenge of School Ganked Nerds, and Frustrated Kids :D

    This seems to be Harcore realm "feature". Specific minds magnet. Lots of school ganked nerds revenge lol. I haven't seen any realm like before. "Feel the power", when realm is Hardcore. Intelligent, patient grinders, OP with math. "I must be very good at WoW HC also".
    Without forgetting other squad : Frustrated kids who can not read english ui quests, or are too adhd. (u have seen those running jumping warriors and paladins who kill everything around lol). Frustrated becourse this is HC, and levelling is too hard without rdf and questing.

    This is defenitely not Faction dependent, i have chars both factions.

    PvP is most fun imo. I've been bg runner 5 years. But in Lordaeron it's more like "walk at the grosery and someone suddenly hits your face with the shovel", with no reason.
    (yea forget that face part, here it's always backstabbing)

    I start fights if i only have reason for. BG's, arenas, fighting quest spawns, World PvP raids etc. Sadly that's often the reason also lost the fight, fist cc/burst wins easy.

    There is difference like between boxing and abuse. Certain respect for enemy, self-confidence, and skills.

    I know nothing is going to change. NO i'm not the ganked all the time person, who whines how miserable life is. I'll see u guys at BG's, arenas and real World PvP. I love PvP.

  2. Not sure if anyone told you, but ganking is the part of PVP Ganking was here long before wotlk, tbc, rdf and other crap.

  3. Not sure if anyone told you, but ganking is the part of PVP Ganking was here long before wotlk, tbc, rdf and other crap.
    Exactly. Like i said "Specific minds". But much more vs. averige retail, retail... ish, or any rate realms i've been seen before.
    And i see difference between ganking and abusing.

  4. MemorieZ's Avatar
    On Lordaeron you can be as friendly as possible, or you can be bloodthirsty, anyway there will always be (A Lich King) that guy that is in low level zone killing lower level people for no reason. Lordaeron PvP is even worse than PvP on other WotLK realms.

  5. Lordaeron PvP is even worse than PvP on other WotLK realms.
    Important point. Sry i forgot to mention this. Current state of Lordaeron PvP is: Lordaeron have no state of PvP. I understand ppl are frustrated for that reason.
    Count me in +1. Waiting lvl 80, and chance to get PvP gear, active BG's and arena.

  6. I'm Bloodthirsty Warrior named Alrich. I'm not a School ganked Nerd, ADD and ADHD. From 1-70 my goal was to see if I counter some good players in wpvp, I have few people I going to speak with from Horde side which I found extremly skilled with their class. I talk about know how to counter prot/arms warrior and outplay me by a mile.

    Fosbys, I look on you my man, no my nemesis. Thats right a true paladin who know to counter prot warrior.

  7. Playing a "hardcore" realm makes the e-p of an average 12 y.o. kid grow 1 inch longer. That's why they play it, not because they want to lurk in the mud of a 1x soon-to-be-released content. Bones have littered the shores of Stranglethorn Vale since times unspoken.

    Others being worse than you feels much better than you being good. Slay the taurens before they can breed.

  8. I'm Bloodthirsty Warrior named Alrich. I'm not a School ganked Nerd, ADD and ADHD. From 1-70 my goal was to see if I counter some good players in wpvp, I have few people I going to speak with from Horde side which I found extremly skilled with their class. I talk about know how to counter prot/arms warrior and outplay me by a mile.

    Fosbys, I look on you my man, no my nemesis. Thats right a true paladin who know to counter prot warrior.
    That's a good mentality, tho I think the thread is about higher levels ganking lowbies.

    I promised to myself, as a PvP player, that I won't engage unless I'm being attacked (maybe some are new and don't want to be forced to fight, or just don't ejoy pvp, idk). This was a good mentality up to a point. I've started being annoyed by people that I ignore, even /wave at, then later have them gank me 2 or 3 vs 1. Now I just kill everyone, regardless of level or peacefulness.

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