1. performance problems?

    hello warmane-team-staff,

    i have a perfect internet connection but i can't play on ragnaros because of i'll get a latency around 17k ms every time when im logging in.
    do you have any solution for this issue?

    thanks alot

  2. did you try other realms too?

  3. it seems like i have the problem on all the servers but i dont get it why.
    when im using the internet for chatting/other games or skype its working fine, i have only problems with the wow on warmane.
    any ideas except of "calling the provider"? ive already called him and he said it fine...

  4. Have you ever checked your latency while chatting?

    Games require reliable data transfer. Chatting is absolutely not an adequate way to measure a connection. Try some of the online tools (like speedtest) to see the ping and / or latency from you to some different places in the world. If it keeps showing high latency or ping - it's most probably your internet provider.

    Don't use wireless or multiple routers or whatever while doing tests, just connect through the least amount of media.

  5. A large factor is what route your traffic takes from your location to the server and vice versa. This is controlled by DNS records and your ISP has their own, or pay for a package. A simple test you could do is switching to google DNS and see if that improves your latency. For information on how to switch your DNS provider run a simple google search.

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