1. Future

    What do you think about the future of this server? We are happy to hear the opinion of experienced players and those fresh what they think about it. Feel free to discuss! Sorry for my mediocre English.

  2. Seems like the server is slowly dying. Im trying to move to Lordaeron but it's hard to get into WotLK, nostalgic feelings aside.

  3. i am constantly debating with myself if i should return onto the mop server, but seeing the decline in playerbase and the sparse development of the mop server tells me there is no real future for frotswolf anymore. but this project kinda is mainly a wotlk project and even was during old lord days, so i am not surprised to see this happen, maybe some day after lordaeron has been finished they will bring back attention to it but i doubt it will happen soon and slowly even start to think that it wont happen.

    its just not their main focus, probably never was and maybe even never will be.

    just my personal views, on how i interpret things happening/evolving. i hope im wrong since i do enjoy mop but i played first on this mop server when it first started way before this project became warmane, and except an initial hype its been more or less a decline.
    Edited: February 3, 2016

  4. I personally am confident things will improve.

    I have been playing Warmane since 2011 I guess. In the past they have promised a lot but didn't deliver.
    This time, for some reason, I believe things to be different.

    In my opinion MoP is the best expansion Blizzard has ever created. It is competetive, fast-paced, funny, versatile and deep. Aspects of a game that are important to me and aspects that Cataclysm couldn't deliver. Aspects that WoD can not. WotLK is argued to be the best expansion, I partly agree on that, but still I do prefer MoP over it. Furthermore I didn't play WotLK on retail, so I can't compare properly.

    Nevertheless, 5.4.8 release made me return from retail. If it finally gets touched by developers it will easily be crowded again very soon. Back in 2013 when MoP was live, people liked it. Some didn't, as always, but overall they liked it. Warmane's community will like it as well.

    If the staff keeps to their plans and promises, MoP will be worth playing. Definitely.

  5. You're soo wrong. Frostwolf is already slowy dying, there is less and less people. That they relealsed 5.4.8 means nothing, they are too late with that. Most of the active players already left and moved to Lord. They are already 80 there, so there is no point coming back. MoP may be good, it is. Once, they had a big playerbase, so n Cata did when it was launched and afterwards.
    Now people are stuck with totally unbalanced pvp ,casue there won't be Soo anytime soon(so either no prideful).
    To revive MoP they would have to move some devs from Lord to MoP, script all MoP dungs and release all raids to ToT with heroic mod, doable. Then start working on Soo and timeless isle. But they aint gonna do that and that wont happen for next year at least. Lord itslef is bugged enough to absorb them nuff for that period.
    Atm it is WarmaneLichKing server, cata and mop are here by misstake.
    For now, it is the best is to move to Lord and play there, while they fix things slowly here, slowly.

  6. If the staff keeps to their plans and promises, MoP will be worth playing. Definitely.
    what plans and promises got any link i missed that info completely.

  7. Ok,Kempachu i agree with you 100%, and i just want to tell if this server dont get some drastic measures it will be end, am playing it from the start and when stormstout and hellscream was up and ppl just got stuck with same stuff from that time till now nothing got better you got update that fix one thing and broke others that worked fine and this 5-4-8 patch is total fail with resilince and bettle fatigue and much more stuff today i talk with my frend and am just tired i was going to get some achivments today but everything that you start half way ther you got stuck with bug that dont let you move to complete something and is all like that only thing you can do in this realm is make char lvl up get gear and make another char and so on but in my case i all ready done that with all classes so even that is not something anymore am just tired of this and from this thay on i will just log so i can vote mybe and that it am out,ther is nothing to do here anymore!

  8. i did try to return to it past week for 1000 time,but i still cant do it.with the beta they had for 6 months, MOP realms are up for almost 2 years and still they are so broken.i played MOP on retail and i know how the game is suppose to look and this **** here is just pathatic excuse of MOP server.top of that player base low.there is other MOP servers with cross-realm and total player base of 8k+ online.i love molten playing here since server exist but they did very very **** job with MOP.
    lorderon is fun however better go there.

  9. I notice a lot of interesting discussions, that's good. As for my opinion, I hope that the server finally get his chance and bright develops.

  10. Things are looking a little bit better after the 5.4.8. update. Although alot of things are still bugged (even some basic things like the Arena ladder of your opponents), it seems the staff is trying to fix bugs on an almost daily basis. Considering we were waiting for this for a long time, this is a nice change of pace. If the staff resumes this amount of attention the server could eventually see a rise of population.
    With that said, the only thing keeping this server alive is the community: there is alot of guilds who try to make weekly events, and also a big rise of PvE players. PvP is the main problem now because of the unbalance due to the updated stats and no Prideful gear to match it. But still the community is strong and if it stays that way long enough for the staff to include all the PvE fixes so we can finally get new PvE and PvP gear I think things could get better. Although it is a race against time. Players are currently kind of content beacuse of the long needed amount of attention the server is now getting, but I think the tolerance bar is set much lower now. We can just wait and see.

  11. Big rise of PvE players, rofl you got me right there.

  12. Big rise of PvE players, rofl you got me right there.
    Yea that zaharije made me laugh too bout pve rise... server is dying but yea.

  13. Just wanted to clarify the whole PvE player thing I wrote: I meant in comparison to PvP AT THE MOMENT because of the whole damage/resilience/whatever thing going on. This is of course my personal observation that I saw in "my" guild. For example I am first and foremost a PvP player, but I ocasionally do some PvE if there is some PvE guild raid for lower geared people. With this whole PvP fiasco going on I found myself in ToT, ToeS and MSV raids every week atleast once. I even do some daily quests and I got a full starting PvE gear with some 522 items aswell from drops and valor. Before I didn't like PvE that much, but until prideful comes and hopefully resolves the whole PvP damage I actually enjoy the PvE experience more. This is also a thing I saw with alot of my guild friends/colleagues who were almost entirely PvP players.

    P.S. I am an average player with a small knowledge of WoW as a whole, and that is the way I play it. The thing I most enjoy here is the community, and if that starts dying the server will to, in my opinion.

    P.S.S. Has anyone noticed a slight rise in population on the server in the last 1-2 weeks? Do you think it's just because of the new patch or are players giving the server a "new" chance?

  14. I really don't see much future (if any) for mop in warmane, they chose wrath

  15. https://www.warmane.com/devlog

    You can always check this and see where everything is generally going.

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