1. PVP on Lordaeron?

    Hello Community,

    Im new on the Server and i have a question.

    First, Sorry for my English it is not excellent i know..

    Can you recommend me to play here on Lordaeron as a PVPler?
    How active is PVP here? (Arenas,Battlegrounds) (Low/End Level)?

    Thanks in advance!!


  2. Very active, the most active maybe

  3. If you want great arena gameplay, I suggest you create a character on Blackrock instead

  4. I dont like the Instant 80.
    I love the hardcore leveling on Wrath.

  5. 2v2 is active, 3v3 is not active.

  6. Very active, the most active maybe
    During peak times only? NA/SA/SEA I don't think there's a single 2s game to be had, and maybe one BG. Which seems very low compared to Deathwing.

    When I do get online with 10,000 people, there is max 2BGs running. I get the feeling this is more of a pve server, with custom pve content people are loving.

  7. still more active than most pserver + you dont have to invest a lot of time/money (yet) to keep up with others in bg/arena

  8. If you want to play, you will always find teams, at least during evenings/nights of CET timezone.
    You will get pissed at the balance tho. Some classes like rogue are broken atm. Disadvantages of 3.3.5a patch and S5 gear.

  9. During peak times only? NA/SA/SEA I don't think there's a single 2s game to be had, and maybe one BG. Which seems very low compared to Deathwing.

    When I do get online with 10,000 people, there is max 2BGs running. I get the feeling this is more of a pve server, with custom pve content people are loving.
    Worth noting that a very large portion of the servers community is still leveling. In time this won't be an issue anymore.

  10. Reporting in, right now, there are 2 teams playing 2s ~1750, one of which was me.
    Not a good time for playing, or ppl just got pissed about lack of balance and gave up on playing more than 10 arenas for now (not sure which one).

  11. During peak times only? NA/SA/SEA I don't think there's a single 2s game to be had, and maybe one BG. Which seems very low compared to Deathwing.

    When I do get online with 10,000 people, there is max 2BGs running. I get the feeling this is more of a pve server, with custom pve content people are loving.
    Ofcourse it is more pve why do you sound surprised, but there is pvp going too that will just get more

  12. Ofcourse it is more pve why do you sound surprised, but there is pvp going too that will just get more
    This server has four times the population of deathwing and ragnaras, yet the pvp scene is dead by comparison.

  13. This server has four times the population of deathwing and ragnaras, yet the pvp scene is dead by comparison.
    I'm shooting wild now, but I'd say most of the population is still leveling.

  14. This server has four times the population of deathwing and ragnaras, yet the pvp scene is dead by comparison.
    Can't you figure out there are not that much lvl 80, ppl are still lvling, next season is gona flourish and it will be slightly more balanced.
    the x1 rates are killing it tho, i realy cba to lvl an alt, cuz its so fukin painful

  15. I'm shooting wild now, but I'd say most of the population is still leveling.
    I think it's been long enough that this excuse is no longer the answer to any PvP population threads. the cap has been at 10k for a while now, and many people were already 70 when Wotlk came out. There should be a lot of people who want to PvP, but I think PvE is overshadowing it currently, and on top of that, a lot of people aren't satisfied with the current state of PvP, a lot of it being out of control to the devs as it's just an imbalance issue between factions.

    Most horde don't want to bother queuing into another GY farm that's just going to turn into a 20 minute waste of time because there are 5 holy paladins on the alliance team, making it impossible to kill anything or perform any objective as the invincible blob of 10 alliance comes to steamroll your flag carrier, for example. It's just not enjoyable, at least in my opinion, although I try to get the daily win when I can.

    There are a bunch of variables that contribute to the seemingly dead PvP scene here, but one counterargument against most people leveling is that I easily obtained 3k honorable kills here during 60 cap, when the population was much lower. In the same amount of time I haven't even gotten another 1k since Wotlk came out, and I do bgs and world PvP whenever I can. It's obvious that people just aren't participating in it, for reasons I've mentioned, and likely some others.

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