1. Honor exploit. Transmog system. (real talk)

    Hello everybody, as a lot of you may have noticed over time, the "toplist" npc showing the top 10 honor ranks for the week has been displaying absurd informations since quite a long time ago. People gaining over 600000 honor in over a week, when a bg win barely gives you 300 seems fishy at best.

    I would like to know whether the npc's informations are bugged, or whether those numbers are indeed true. And if that is indeed the case, will any of the staff take actions toward this hack?

    Transmog went from being a great and rewarding feature to one of the most flawed system I have ever seen. The whole implementation of the arena cases/keys is not only counter productive, but it is also highly abusable. Arena cases have the chance of dropping any item for transmog purpose. Any item. Including brutal helms and the likes. An item that normally requires over 2200+ rating in a bracket should not be included in an arena case box drop rewarded from winning any arena at any rating. It makes no sense. Why even have the requirements still there if you intent to handling high rating transmog to random players on an RNG pattern?

    The second point I mentionned, is how abusable this system most likely is. If some players are indeed reaching over 500000 honor in days. Then am I right to worry when an arena box cost 500 honor at the "auction house", and that a key cost 2500?

    I've never quite contested AT's decisions in the past, but I cannot help but feel the staff is trolling us. When you decided to revamp the transmog system and put a price on each part, it was under the guise that transmog was meant to show the effort we made to acquire it. The rating requirement justified that exact reason. The honor cost, did not. It is not motivating to grind arenas/bgs all day in hope to eventually gain one single piece, when you've already gave it all you had to gain rating to unlock it in the past.

    The fact honor tokens cost so much in comparison to the honor rate ingame, while also being purchasable through the store leads me to think you implemented the system for a different reason than what you led us to believe. Whether it is successful in that regard, that I have no idea.

    Anyway, I know this post is looking to be like a rant, and I apologize for that. But seeing such an amazing realm fall so hard is heartbreaking, especially for those of us who have known it's history and the grandiose thing it represented.

  2. Weekly honor is a thing of the past, the 600k have been accumulated over several months of time

  3. Thanks for clarifying that point. Seems weird it was never updated properly then even though I still find the system mediocre at best.

  4. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....es!-2015-07-11
    At the very end of the OP
    -- UPDATE --
    The weekly honor reset has been removed.

  5. you can farm honor while you're afk whats your problem here?

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