1. <Regardless> End-Game Pve Guild {A}

    <Regardless> is a newly formed guild made up of exceptional raiders with a significant amount of raid experience. Through our background we have learned there is only way one to succeed and that is to work together as friends while pushing each other to do better. We also like to keep things short, sweet, and to the point. So if you want more information contact us!
    We are using DKP and TS3 or RC (depends on situation).

    - Please be familiar with your class. Gearscore is not a huge issues since that is something we can help with, but at least be 6+ to show that you are committed to raiding. We were a very successful guild and progressed through heroic raids and cleared it much quicker than a lot of the top guilds as far as wipes. So we have some clue what we are doing. If you are interested please get a hold of me or one of the other officers in the guild. Have a great day and stay frosty my friends!
    - To join your guild (as we said already) you need:
    - TS3 or RC for communication with others during raid (mic isnt must)
    - Atleast RS25n achievement and FWH on 25 Heroic mode done
    - Good internet connection and pc (that means you wont dc or lag during raids)
    - Friendly attitude

    - Our Raiding Schedule:
    Thursday- ICC10 heroic at 18:00ST
    Friday - -ICC/RS 25 at 18:00ST
    Saturday - random 25 at 18:00ST
    Sunday - ICC 25/RS 25 heroic at 18:00ST
    Monday -Ulduar 25 at 18:00ST
    Wednesday - random 18:00ST

    -Raid progression:

    - Our management
    To make sure we have sufficient coverage of the managing the whole guild, the following people will be leading the guild.


    These people are available to talk to (at a convenience time to them) regarding information about the guild.

    Feel free to make application on www.regardless.shivtr.com
    <Regardless> team.
    Edited: January 6, 2017

  2. Bane of the fallen king!

    Guild first LICH KING on 10 HEROIC mode!

  3. GG wp guys progress inc.

    Edited: October 11, 2016

  4. Rijeka = Italy

    bump fo' that
    No more Rijeka = Italy ****s cuz Andro

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