1. Donation Page Information Addition

    Just a quick suggestion to add information to the donation page that tells you coins are locked for 3 days and that 2fa has to be on your account with a 3 day waiting period to use coins. I couldn't find anywhere on the site (aside from people complaining about the lack of information) about the issue.

    Some people's feelings get real hurt when they find out they have to wait 3 days to buy that item or gold they saw a really good deal on - and to be honest there's no reason why that information should be hidden until after you donate.

  2. Yea, totally agree. Also, right under the number of Your coins there should be info how many coins are locked, when it started and when it will expire.

    I'm selling characters on warmane trade and my coins are locked. However, I don't knwo exactly when one of my chars is sold, so I have literally NO IDEA how long it will take for lock to expire...

  3. +1

    Happened to me when I first started playing. Pain in the *** to deal with.

  4. This concern has been forwarded before, but it will be once again.

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