Hi guys i wanna try out Tbc, i started from Wotlk so i dont know much. Any tips would be appreciated :) (like what class should i play that is easy for beginners.) and also how is it different from wotlk in terms of raids and stuff. Any kind of help is welcome :). Thank you in advance.
Have fun man, i'd say get skinning to make some gold early on
I never played much wotl, but on tbc paladin, warrior, and druid are all good for beginners
What class have you played in WotLK ? Also, stay away from mining,herbalism (without a database you wont find nodes around you).
Easiest to play caster: destro locks
Easiest to play melee dps: Idk, i would say rog but i would start a sandstorm on the thread
Easiest to play healer spec: resto shaman (although any healer spec is sought for)
Easiest to play tank spec: prot pala - due to Aoe tanking you would have a blast through heroics and also 10 man raids
TBC raids are harder then WotLK ones. Luckily you are now in a patch where most of the hard work got removed so all the grinding is over.
Therefore you will find enjoyable to find Pugs for 10/25 man like Kara/Zul Aman and Gruul Mag (T5 coming soon)
In the end, play what you like, quest as much as you can, get honored and farm badges. You cant go wrong with that. TBC is more time consuming than WotLK