So, I was playing just fine until yesterday. Everytime I would log into my account in-game and select the realm where I play and where my main is (Icecrown), a message popped up saying "You have been disconnected from the server". Sometimes it would just fix if I waited a little, but then it stopped "fixing" itself and it would be just like that all the day. So I tried to fix it on my own, and after many hours of reading posts (not only from Blizzard but from Warmane too) I got to a solution, one that wouldn't last for long. So, basically, I changed some settings in some files, I put lines such as:
set realmlist
SET realmList ""
SET realmName "Icecrown"
All of this seemed to be the final answer to my problem, but it wasn't. Today I wasn't able to play a single minute. Tried to write those lines again and nothing. Tried some commands in the CMD too and nothing.
The game folder is set to "Read only", and I thought of changing that option but everytime I do so, it just resets to Read only. I don't know what else to do, I am able to play on servers such as Blackrock, but not in Icecrown. It annoys me, as it was the first days of starting to play "classic" wow and I really loved it with my friend, and I tested many other servers and Warmane was the best one yet. I really hope I can get to a solution for this