1. Need some input

    Could you some input on some things:

    1. Seems like it is happening more and more lately. Whenever i join an arena sometimes my spells become bugged and it says "spell is not ready yet" this is starting to get annoying especially in crucial moments where i cant use Power shield or prayer of mending for a whole match and have to relog afterwards to fix it for it to only happen again 5 games later. I know its not just me because my arena partner has had the problem often also. What is causing this?

    2. Whenever someone is inactive on an account for a while does the character names get flagged for rename? Because one of my accounts that i do not use all my toons were flagged for a rename is this the reason.

    3. SCRIPTORS ive been playing here for 5-6 years now and in 2's is there nothing but scriptors at high rating anymore GMS cant do anything to prevent this? Most of the PvP population that are arena addicts are scriptors.. Especially warriors bashing me from 7 yards away... Priests auto SWD on poly at exactly 80% into the cast etc etc... its pitiful.

  2. wow pvp is a meme dont fall for it

  3. Could you some input on some things:

    1. Seems like it is happening more and more lately. Whenever i join an arena sometimes my spells become bugged and it says "spell is not ready yet" this is starting to get annoying especially in crucial moments where i cant use Power shield or prayer of mending for a whole match and have to relog afterwards to fix it for it to only happen again 5 games later. I know its not just me because my arena partner has had the problem often also. What is causing this?

    2. Whenever someone is inactive on an account for a while does the character names get flagged for rename? Because one of my accounts that i do not use all my toons were flagged for a rename is this the reason.

    3. SCRIPTORS ive been playing here for 5-6 years now and in 2's is there nothing but scriptors at high rating anymore GMS cant do anything to prevent this? Most of the PvP population that are arena addicts are scriptors.. Especially warriors bashing me from 7 yards away... Priests auto SWD on poly at exactly 80% into the cast etc etc... its pitiful.
    The first problem you mentioned is real pain in the ***. Happend to both me and my partner multiple times. Sometimes it's just a spell you won't be bothered much is not working like Holy Nova, but at other times it's crucial spell like Psychic Scream, Chaos Bolt, PW:S which results in a frustrating loss.

  4. Sadly scripts being used in PvP often are things that you cannot prevent as they can be patched when the devs figured it out. Most comp. pvp games suffer from this. Even the most renownrd ones like LoL and Dota2.

  5. Imma suffering sometimes the first problem which u touch on . Playing as a warlock against dk , during battle cant use shadow ward (Absorbs X shadow damage) . it is annoying.

  6. The first problem you mentioned is real pain in the ***. Happend to both me and my partner multiple times. Sometimes it's just a spell you won't be bothered much is not working like Holy Nova, but at other times it's crucial spell like Psychic Scream, Chaos Bolt, PW:S which results in a frustrating loss.
    Imma suffering sometimes the first problem which u touch on . Playing as a warlock against dk , during battle cant use shadow ward (Absorbs X shadow damage) . it is annoying.

    i know right i hope they figure out whats going on with it.

    Sadly scripts being used in PvP often are things that you cannot prevent as they can be patched when the devs figured it out. Most comp. pvp games suffer from this. Even the most renownrd ones like LoL and Dota2.
    its just sad not saying they are unbeatable but definitely have an advantage. Heard about something called the Crit patch for warriors increasing there crit by 18% if thats true just goes to show you why you see 90% arena teams at 2k mmr warrior + healer.

    wow pvp is a meme dont fall for it
    hahaha yeah but sadly the only reason i play this game is for the PvP.

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