1. Dual-spec after Wotlk release

    First of all sorry if it was mentioned somewhere, but didn't find it.

    My questions is if cost for dual-spec will be reduced to 10g after wotlk release, or it will stay as it is right now on tbc (1000g). Is there any info about this ?


  2. They lowered price of dual spec from Cata not wotlk.. or im mistaken. We play on Wotlk, not Cata

    @edit im right. So answer is NO.

    Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Cost reduced from 1000g to 100
    Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Cost reduced from 100g to 10g, level requirement reduced from 40 to 30

  3. Thanks guys, I played too much MoP,WoD so I forgot how it was :D

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