1. May 6, 2016  

    Mob / Pet Pathfinding leaves much to be desired

    I played Lordaeron many months ago as a dwarf hunter and don't recall mob pathfinding being much of a problem.
    Now, however, while leveling an orc hunter, my pet constantly becomes stuck on (or below) the floor, on a pebble, or any insignificant barrier. It takes a dozen times longer for the pet catch up to my position, as it will run a marathon to avoid minor puddles (making Blackfathom Deeps pretty much the worst thing since modern art.) He won't even make an attempt to run into/out of water to attack a mob. Soloing should not be a problem but when your pet is a worse companion than a cement mixer it makes things pretty difficult.

    Has this issue been brought to light? Any say on when it might be improved?

  2. May 6, 2016  
    There are many things needing to be done about pet in general, like how they don't tag you the mob and doesn't give you credit for kills made entirely by them.

    Or how perma Water Elemental isn't packed with Mage's mount like Hunter, Warlock, Unholy DK (annoying because they lag behind when I mount and can deliberately aggro stuff)

    Or how an ex-Unholy DK can somehow summon permanent ghoul without having the talent anymore

    more stuff for bugtracker I guess, when I go to laptop again

    On topic though, are they using mob path as well or entirely their own?

  3. May 6, 2016  
    I'm playing hunter on Lord since January and nothing really changed from the start. Yes, you have to pay quite a bit of an attention and predict what pet can do. For example when you are out of combat, your pet will follow you regardless any obstacles - you can jump from a roof and pet will do the same, but when you enter combat, textures start to matter and pet will try to find a safe way (sometimes aggro many other npcs, sometimes stuck on the platform). Sometimes you will lost your pet in dungeon and find him stucked in the wall. About water - it looks to me, that there are layers in water and if you comand pet to attack from the surface something at the bottom, he won't do it, you have to dive to the same depth and then attack, or attack first and let the ncp come to you. One of the funniest things are stairs, if you are standing on them and order pet to attack something above them, he will probably run downstairs instead of upstairs. So yes, pets are kinda dumb on Lord textures, but if you know what you can expect from them, it's easy to avoid some of these fails. :)
    Edited: May 6, 2016

  4. May 6, 2016  
    Even on retail pets had terrible path findings in some places. For example in WSG battleground, I jumped down from 2nd floor platform in flag room, pet sometimes stuck on 2nd floor and was running back and forward. And in Blackrock dungeons....jeez... I was constantly pulling half of dungeon when party members decided to jump down some platforms, so do not expect perfect paths ever.

  5. July 3, 2016  

    hunter's pet needs really to change: tag, pathfinding, etc ...

    Above comments are very well commented,

    Thx to fix this :')

  6. July 4, 2016  
    If possible, please note where you've seen pathfinding fail so we can look into it further. Do send this in a private message to me so we can properly process it.

  7. July 5, 2016  
    These are some of the pet issues I have experienced whilst levelling 1-80 and gearing all the way to pre raid BiS.

    - If you are below a mob in a body of water your pet will not go to attack it when commanded to, It will struggle with the pathing and simply take some weird routes until your character is either level with or above the mob you are trying to kill.

    - When jumping down from any sort of ledge located within a dungeon or raid its completely vital that you dismiss your pet before the jump and call it when you have landed due to very unpredictable pathing. (Sometimes it will jump down with you and sometimes it will just run off to pull the whole instance)

    - Entering certain locations will remove the pet bar, this has happened to me while entering the Occulus and many times in certain locations within GunDrak but is not limited to these places. Dismissing the pet and calling it will return the pet bar but it is annoying none the less.

    - On certain surfaces your pet will fall through the floor. E.G - The path leading to the last boss in GunDrak.

    I main a hunter and yeah these are the main issues for me, I have kinda learnt to live with them and know how to fix most of them without any relative downtime so for now they are just minor annoyances, I would still love to see some of them get fixed, It would be a massive quality of life improvement for any class that uses a pet.

  8. July 5, 2016  
    If possible, please note where you've seen pathfinding fail so we can look into it further. Do send this in a private message to me so we can properly process it.
    Blade's edge arena was horrible for pets since forever, it was reported to bugtracker months ago.

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