1. Tranquilizing shot and "Pet" Intervene

    I am a beginner on MM Hunter PVP.
    Could the more experienced players explain me in which situations I can use the two abilities mentioned in the title.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. Tranquilizing shot is used against warriors for when they get Enrage. It will make them have no enrage. Also useful against druids when they use ''berserker'' or whatever its name is. It will also remove their enrage effect which is a good one to remove. And against Beast mastery hunter who can enrage as well.

  3. Tranquilizing shot is used against warriors for when they get Enrage. It will make them have no enrage. Also useful against druids when they use ''berserker'' or whatever its name is. It will also remove their enrage effect which is a good one to remove. And against Beast mastery hunter who can enrage as well.
    You can't tranq shot berserker off druids or the bestial wrath from bm hunters. You can tranq shot the enrage off warriors but thats nearly useless as they get it insta back when ever he crits. Hence it's rather a passive goodie u take when trying to dispel sacred shield off the warrior. The only thing u should tranq shot is that savaging roar buff from druids as they actually have to spend energy and combo points to get it back up. What you can also dispel is Death Wish by warriors.

    The pet intervene is a mighty ability vs hunters and melee classes. I use it to intervene cheap shot, kidney, disarm, gouge, blind, aimed shot, chimera shot, mortal strike, silencing shot, scatter shot. When you face a rogue team i often use it on me to intervene the opening cheap shot. Can get a timer to see when warr n hunter is gonna use his next ms/aimed shot.

    That's about it really :3

  4. You can't tranq shot berserker off druids or the bestial wrath from bm hunters. You can tranq shot the enrage off warriors but thats nearly useless as they get it insta back when ever he crits. Hence it's rather a passive goodie u take when trying to dispel sacred shield off the warrior. The only thing u should tranq shot is that savaging roar buff from druids as they actually have to spend energy and combo points to get it back up. What you can also dispel is Death Wish by warriors.

    The pet intervene is a mighty ability vs hunters and melee classes. I use it to intervene cheap shot, kidney, disarm, gouge, blind, aimed shot, chimera shot, mortal strike, silencing shot, scatter shot. When you face a rogue team i often use it on me to intervene the opening cheap shot. Can get a timer to see when warr n hunter is gonna use his next ms/aimed shot.

    That's about it really :3
    Ok, my bad but i found this in the guide:
    Dispels 1 Magic and Enrage Effect.
    -You can use this to dispel enrage effects such as Recklessness from Warriors! (Dispelling Enrage effects is a 100% chance)
    -You can dispel Hysteria from Blood Death Knights.
    -You can also use this to dispel Savage Roar from Feral Druids!
    -Sometimes you can even dispel Hand of Protection from Paladins! However, it is luck based.

  5. Thank you for the reply. I am watching your streams from time to time. Really entertaining play. I'll use the tips given. :)

  6. Homie, when you have your pet passive and next to you, what is the best method of using intervene? I currently have to send it to a distant enemy briefly to get the yardage from myself before I can use it. Is there a better method? Do you petstay just before you feel you'll use it and move the 8 yards?

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