1. Heres what I like to do in Icecrown Queues (And maybe you can do these too!)

    Icecrown queues are dreadful yeah, but there's ways to combat them. A lot of you may listen to music or watch YouTube videos or do something and come back an hour later (or two.) But here are a couple things you can do, that I actually do myself. These things believe it or not, can actually benefit you in a way.

    1. Pull a yoga mat into my room and then lay it on the floor. What I'll do is simple, I'll just exercise, whether it's pushups to jump squats, ab workouts or a couple other non-weight workouts. I usually do this when the queue is about to end soon because these don't take me more than 30 minutes.

    2. I'll go to the gym and come back within an hour. Most of the time I'm already completely ingame while doing this method. It's so productive that it benefits my health and etc. If you physically are inable to do exercising due to conditions or disability, then don't bother with 1, 2.

    3. Watch Netflix. If you like any certain show series or wanna see a movie again that's available, this is an option. Or just watching a movie in general on any type of program.

    4. Read. Well if you really have nothing else better to do in an Icecrown queue, this is one of the best options, reading is so undermined now a days and knowledge from books is becoming less and less common. In my school (Started playing WoTLK when I was 7, 16 now.) barely anyone bothers with our libraries for reading purposes. No one is willing to read just three pages a day in which it can improve your brain for the better.

    So thats all that I do, theres a couple other things too but they're not worth noting, going out with friends and etc. If you want to post anything like your own Icecrown Queue timekillers, go ahead! I'd like to see what everyone else does as this thread can help a lot of people in the dreadful queues or also myself!

  2. Log in at 10am server time, go afk/minimze the game till 8pm because for some weird reason it never ever kicks you out if you are afk, then play.

  3. Yoga, books...
    Warmane cares about your health and makes you smarter.

    At the very beginning i'd learnt Arrival To Earth piano cover while waiting ques, but then i donated...
    Edited: October 21, 2016

  4. 1. Pull a yoga mat into my room and then lay it on the floor. What I'll do is simple, I'll just exercise, whether it's pushups to jump squats, ab workouts or a couple other non-weight workouts. I usually do this when the queue is about to end soon because these don't take me more than 30 minutes.
    You don't even need a yoga mat to do simple exercise. Just use the floor as is. If you say the floor is dirty then that is on you for not keeping your home clean.

  5. Instead of complaining why don't you donate a small fee to the server that you play free of charge

  6. I just play a different game while being in queue. Luckily my PC can handle multiple heavy games at the same time.

  7. Looks like a few of you got my post wrong, this wasn't a complaint thread or anything, I was simply stating a few things you can do to combat queues. Also the use of a yoga mat is because I have a hardwood floor (It's clean.) + the mat puts no strain on my wrists for things like push-ups.

    Sorry for trying to help? :P

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