1. ele shaman or shadow priest pvp

    hi ppl,
    i wanna roll dos and dunno should I else shaman or spriest. What is current state of this classes on mop and on next patch?
    I like ele shaman but they look so fragile Vs melee classes like Warr and shadow priest more tanky.
    Are ele have any chance now?

  2. hi ppl,
    i wanna roll dos and dunno should I else shaman or spriest. What is current state of this classes on mop and on next patch?
    I like ele shaman but they look so fragile Vs melee classes like Warr and shadow priest more tanky.
    Are ele have any chance now?
    The most famous shadowpriest switched to ele sham during 5.4.x(and won blizzcon with it) ....so i think this should answer your question.
    Though it depends on the pvp your playing, Bg is where the spriest shines, but for 3s arena deff ele has more potential.

  3. The most famous shadowpriest switched to ele sham during 5.4.x(and won blizzcon with it) ....so i think this should answer your question.
    Though it depends on the pvp your playing, Bg is where the spriest shines, but for 3s arena deff ele has more potential.
    i am interesting in warmane state of those classes....i wanna get fun with class, to kill and to have chance to survive....jsut bg's and to cap arenas..nothing special

  4. Since 3s aren't that popular here, I'd say spriest for bg's etc.

  5. Since 3s aren't that popular here, I'd say spriest for bg's etc.
    You wanna say that in bg's spriest is better in 2 vs 2 and bg's over elemental?

  6. i am interesting in warmane state of those classes....i wanna get fun with class, to kill and to have chance to survive....jsut bg's and to cap arenas..nothing special
    Not sure about priest but as ele shami u can easily top the bg dmg charts as long as u are able to hard cast with out getting interrupted.

    When it comes to arena I find ele pretty bad. The spells of ele have a very long casting time and with the plenty of interrupts that exist in MoP its often impossible to hard cast at all and put any pressure on the enemy team.
    Because of the plenty of interrupts the shami is often forced to use only instant spells which means apply flameshock on each enemy and wait for the instant lava bursts.
    Such a play style can work but u should ask urself: Whats the point to spam flameshock and instant lava bursts when a moonkin can do the exact same thing with dots and instant starsurge and pull like 4 times more dmg than the shami?

  7. both are quite unique caster classes.
    I believe that the difference between here in pvp is quite close, so I suggest you to go for the one you like most.
    I believe that spriests are a bit dull, but that's only my opinion there are people who would probs say that about shams.
    Shams have higher crits if that's what you like + Thunderstorm the **** out of people at Lumber mill or EOTS middle. :>

  8. i think that boomkins are broken and i hope for a lot of fixes when 5.4.8 comes...it was more then enough to be farmed by warr's, boomkins, rogue and hunters....

  9. i think that boomkins are broken and i hope for a lot of fixes when 5.4.8 comes...it was more then enough to be farmed by warr's, boomkins, rogue and hunters....
    Might be true. I havent played on retail during MoP so no idea if ele was more viable there.
    Right now it makes no fun to play ele shami in Arena when a Moonkin can do the exact same things and pull like 4 times more dmg with it.

  10. lot of classes that looks fun in Mop are so bugged that ruins your love for that class...i have mw monk and when i play arena with my friend...boomkin kills him in 3 shots ...even when i use all my spells to protect him...and that dnr...must be broken aswell...

  11. Ele shaman is very fun to play, one of the best classes for 3s and bgs.. It suffers a bit in 2s, but with the good partner you can easily get to 2.2k rating without too much troubles.. Sure, with boomkin you can do more damage, but you have to put 2 dispellable dots instead of just one and lava burst damage with mastery proc is just a little lower than starsurge's one.. And lava surge's proc chance is even higher, so that's not a huge difference.. Talking about spriest, i know it is very strong in bgs and 3s, but its playstyle is very different since it's a dotter class, so the main issue is reduced to what's the playstyle you like the most :)
    Edited: January 19, 2016

  12. Ele shaman is very fun to play, one of the best classes for 3s and bgs.. It suffers a bit in 2s, but with the good partner you can easily get to 2.2k rating without too much troubles.. Sure, with boomkin you can do more damage, but you have to put 2 dispellable dots instead of just one and lava burst damage with mastery proc is just a little lower than starsurge's one.. And lava surge's proc chance is even higher, so that's not a huge difference.. Talking about spriest, i know it is very strong in bgs and 3s, but its playstyle is very different since it's a dotter class, so the main issue is reduced to what's the playstyle you like the most :)
    i want to play something fun, that doesnt die easy and can kill. Also wanna for arenas 2 vs 2 better resto shaman or disc priest?

  13. for healing I would suggest to roll priest, it's might lack the healing power but you can go more offensive with a priest then with a sham. Also priest has 2 viable healing specs in MoP so you can rotate holy with disc if you get bored :)

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